Monday, December 31, 2012

Dec 31st Daily Reflection

As I celebrate the peace of the Lord, I am reminded of the level of weakness I have and the need to stay really close to the Lord because my bucket of peace has only a few drops in it and the only way to full it up is by staying close to the Lord! I look forward to discover new ways I am weak and allow myself the opportunity to be close to the Lord so he can continue full my bucket of peace!

How is your weakness allowing yout to achieve peace?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dec 30th Daily Reflection

I have found that focusing my energies being the conduit of the Lord's love, staying close to him and doing the Godly thing when others are encouraging you to do something that is only beneficially in the material world makes me appear a bit abnormal. However, the funny thing about appearing abnormal is that truly well grounded people engage you in a more menaingful manner and life is so much more peaceful! That is because when I am fully focus on the Lord, I am at my most authentic and when I am being authentic people can appreciate me even if they don't like me. Being close to the Lord allows me to be authentic and because I am authentic, the world responds positively to me which encourages me to stay close to the Lord and be even more authentic....the endless loop of positiveness!

How is your endless loop of positiveness making you appear abnormal?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dec 29th Daily Reflection

"Trust me with every fiber of your being!" this is what today's devotion implores. Something that I have worked very hard to do. And I will say that this past year I have trust the Lord with every fiber of my being and because of it, the blessings of the Lord are too numerous to count! Because of trusting the Lord with every fiber of my being, I am at peace even when things are not going my way! The peace, joy and tranquility that comes from trusting the Lord is beyond words!

How is trusting the Lord with every fiber of your being helping you find peace?

Friday, December 28, 2012

Dec 28th Daily Reflection

I reflect back to last year this time when I was still so focused on the material world that I made one of the worse decision of my life, knowing it was a bad decision but still following thru with it! I smile when I think of it because, instead of leaving me, the Lord stood by me and allowed me to fall, caught me and allowed me to draw nearer to him. And because of this, I am closer to the Lord, enjoying his peace, love and joy at a time of the year that normally is very emotionally troubling! Today, I can see the Lord's blessings in everything around me, in things that others say is bad. I can rejoice with respect when things don't go my way, because it always means that something incredibly wonderful is around the corner! I am excited, rejoicing in the magnificent of the Lord because I know there is no such thing as a bad life when the Lord is in your life!

How areyou rejoicing because the Lord is in your life?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dec 27th Daily Reflection

Today's daily reflection talks about taking time to be quiet with the Lord. I like to think that I do that, however, I have been ill this week and it has caused me to stay close to home and during that time I realize that I am not spending enough time being quiet with the Lord. Fortunately, because of my illness, I have had the time to be quiet with the Lord and that quiet time has centered me and help me better prepare for the 2013. The quiet time has also been helpful for me to appreciatethe beauty of what the Lord did by giving us his only son for our sins. So as I wait for my body to recover and heal itself of what alies it, I am giving thanks for this aliment that has caused me to spend quiet time with the Lord.

How are you using setbacks as an opportunity to be close to the Lord?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dec 22nd Daily Reflection

As Christmas day draws nearer, my joy and excitement grows because this year, instead of focusing on worldly things, I am focusing on praising the Lord, giving thanks for all the blessings he bestowed upon us daily and hourly! Spending time being a conduit of his love, appreciating the beauty in everyone I meet even if they upset me. This Christmas season, for the first time, I am experiencing the incredible impact of the birth of Jesus!

How are you spending this Christmas season fully appreciating the blessings of the Lord?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dec 18th Daily Reflection

Persistent problems. Do we really have persistent problems or is do they simply appear as persistent because we refuse to turn to the Lord for assistance? Do we get so caught up in thinking we can solve the problems that we we neglect to seek out guidance from the Lord and as such turn easily solved problems into persistent problems? This is something I ponder whenever I have a problem and I get hyper focused on it and normally when I stop focusing on the problem, it somehow goes away, when I look to the Lord for guidance, the problem is quickly resolved!

How is looking to the Lord eliminating presistent problems in your life?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Dec 17th Daily Reflection

As my trust on the Lord grows, I stop to wonder why did I ever have any fear and resistence to trust him. As I go thru life now simply trusting him at every turn, with every issue, and negativity, I can barely remember a time when I didn't trust him. And for those brief memories, I ask myself what was I thinking then. I know I wasn't thinking! I rejoice in the small blessings of the Lord, the knowledge that as long as I serve him, nothing else matters! This knowledge has created a peace that seems unbreakable and for that I continue rejoicing! An endless loop, I rejoice and the Lord sends me blessings which cause me to rejoice which causes the Lord to send blessings which.....

How is fully trusting in the Lord helping you be at peace?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dec 16th Daily Reflection

This holiday season, I am doing something different. Instead of providing material gifts, I am giving the gift of the Lord's love. Of course, the first response by everyone is that I am being cheap, however, that response is an indication of the pushback I receive when I try to live a Godly life. People think I am weird or that I am making them wrong because I refuse to get caught up in the blantant consumption that helps us avoid the most important thing of the season, loving the Lord, rejoicing in his birth and allowing myself to be a conduit of his love. Because I have decided not to get caught up in the shopping and running around, I actual have more time, less stress and I am able to share the Lord's love with a number of friends who I would otherwise not be able to share his love.

How is loving the Lord helping you get thru the holiday season?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dec 14th Daily Reflection

The recent devotions have talked about focusing on the Lord and not letting daily life events distract you. As I process these directives, one thing came to me. In order to fully accomplish them,is to fully die! When I say die, I mean having such a life changing event/decision that all that was true is no longer true, all your ways of being no longer makes sense, an event/decision that causes you to have no choice but to go to the Lord, an event/decision that forces you to only trust the Lord, knowing that whatever others say/do is meaningless because only the Lord's guidance matter! I had a few of those events this year and then I made the decision to trust the Lord, not worrying about what others think/say and I have found that the world is only full of blessings, joy and happiness! As I prepare to celebrate the birth of the Lord, I can't help but be happy to celebrate my birth, my birth of fully receiving the Lord!

Are you ready to fully receive the Lord?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dec 12th Daily Reflection

Live by faith not by sight! Yes, this is an incredible way to live! The glory of the Lord is always with you, unexplainable things happen, blessings are found everywhere you look, life is wonderful and love is flowing from everyone who you interact with, the love that is flowing from you is so intense, you have no choice but to share it! Taking the leap and forgetting about seeing anything simply believing that the Lord will take care of you and guide you! I can write these things because I experience then on the days I am truly living by faith!

How is living by faith allowing you to experience heaven on earth?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dec 11th Daily Reflection

I am smiling as I read today's devotion because I have two long term goals that recently I have become a bit impatient with and was starting to think of ways to fast track achieving them! However, something (the Lord) told me to hold tight and today's devotion gave me the confirmation needed to hold tight! It reminds me that impatience is a sign of lossing faith, of believing you ar somehow better and more knowing than the Lord! A very timely reminder for me as I reassess my long term goals and confirm that they are indeed appropriate for me!

How does your impacience cause you to stray away from God's plan for you?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Dec 10th Daily Reflection

Once a friend of mine commented that it appears that I get energized whenever there is a crisis or problem to solve. At first, I was a little taken aback then I realized that I really get excited when there is a crisis or problem to solve. And after reading today's devotion, I can say it is because when I have a problem or crisis, it means I must lean on the Lord, so fully lean on the Lord that my faith gets stronger and ability to be the conduit of his love easier! Rejoicing when there are problems because it is yet another opportunity to be close to the Lord!

Do you rejoice in problems because it brings you closer to the Lord?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Dec 7th Daily Reflection

Focusing on the larger things in life, allows you to stay closer to the Lord and ensure that you don't let small trival issues distract you from being close to the Lord and continuing to be a conduit of his love. Daily it's a challenge to stay focus on the larger things however, those days we are able to stay focus on the larger things, being in step with the Lord becomes easier which makes it easier to experience heaven on earth.

How is focus on the larger things in life bring you closer to the Lord?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dec 6th Daily Reflection

Sometimes I get upset because my routine gets changed and maybe I don't get to do something I believe I must absolutely do that day. However, recently I have been stopping to wonder why am I getting upset and realizing that it is always because my routine was changed not really because of some loss of not following my routine. As I was reading today's devotion, I started to smile because it reminds me that instead of focusing on a routine for the Lord, I should allow myself to be with him whenever it works for me, being concisious that if I go too long without him life becomes more difficult. Today's devotion reminds me that as long as I keep the Lord as the focus of my life if I missed a day of morning reflections, I can still recover with an evening of reflections.

Being with the Lord spontaneously!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dec 5th Daily Reflection

Transcending the earthy turmoil to see the beauty of the Lord is a very difficult thing to do and it is especially difficult if you are the only one rejoicing about the Lord. However, once you get thru the backlash of doing that, you find that staying close to the Lord when under assault and not worrying about what others think results in experiencing heaven on earth! You get to see beauty in everything and you are not bothered when there is a backlash for your rejoicing!

How is seeing the beauty of the Lord in everything making you experience heaven on earth?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dec 3rd Daily Reflection

It is amazing how as you go thru life with the peace of the Lord you see things others don't see! I just got back from Haiti and before my trip, I was told about how stressful it would be, however, once I was there, I saw so much beauty, so much potential, so much hope! The Haitian people are a resilient set of people and some always question how they can be that way, they can be that way because the Lord blessed them with such a beautiful country that even if you want to be distressed, the beauty gets to you and your spirits lifts! When one is at peace with the Lord, physical trials are nothing! I spent a week experiencing that in Haiti! The Lord is at work there.

How is being at peace with the Lord causing you to see things others can't see?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nov 22nd Daily Reflection

Today as we give thanks for all we have in our lives, my thought wander to the Haitian people. This is a country that gets every disaster that passes its way, however, the people continue to give praise and thanksgiving for things that we would consider not worthy. I have been blessed to go work with the Haitian people as part of the Carter Work Project and Habitat for Humanity. I will spend a week in Hait as part of a 600 volunteer crew building 100 homes. I am freaking out with joy because I know that this life altering experience will bring me closer to the Lord and allow me to learn how to give thanks and rejoice for all the blessings in my life. I will be off-line until Dec 3rd.

How are you giving thanks for all the blessings you have in your life?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov 21st Daily Reflection

Giving thanks! Spending time truly giving thanks to the Lord for all your blessings! I love to celebrate, from I was a little, if there was an opportunity to celebrate, I was there. I still get excited when I hear a friend, team member or even a stranger accomplish something I can celebrate! It is just recently, that I realize I love celebrating so much because I love giving thanks! Thanksgiving season or harvest as it is called in Belize has always been my favorite time of the year because I get to give thanks and celebrate without anything major happening! Today as I write this , my heart is doing back flips and I am freaking out with joy because I have so many things to give thanks for, I will never finish giving thanks even if I never receive another blessings! In the season of thanksgiving, please remember to stop and give thanks to the smallest blessings as you would the largest ones.

How is giving thanks helping you be a conduit of the Lord's love?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nov 20th Daily Reflection

Unconditional love - that's what the Lord has for us. And it can be seen when we make mistakes, wonder away from him or do things that are ungodly because he still loves us and continues to bestore blessings upon us. Why does the Lord love us unconditionally? I believe it is because it he wants us to only adore him. By only adoring him,we are more likely to be good Christians living the word instead of getting caught up in ceremonies that don't touch our hearts. I believe the best way to exprience the Lord's love is to make a mistake because that is why you see him love most clearly.

How are you experiencing the Lord's unconditional love?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nov 19th Daily Reflection

Leave outcomes up to the Lord, image going thru life leaving the ultimate outcomes up to the Lord leaving you free to make mistakes, be fearless and being okay with getting ridicule for trusting the Lord! I tried it for a week and found life so much more fulfilling than when I am trying to control things. It was so much more fulfilling that I decided to do it as much as possible - sometimes, I wonder away and don't do it. However, whenever I am close to the Lord, I find life freeing because I am leaving the outcome up to him.

How is leaving the outcome up the Lord freeing you to do his work?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nov 18th Daily Reflection

How does having the peace of the Lord affect your life? Over the past few weeks, I realized that the peace of the Lord has been taking the place of other things in my life. One thing I am starting to become aware of is having a drink, my normal routine was have a few drinks to relax everyday. Now, I get home, go about my business and even forgot to have a drink and when I do have one, it takes such a long time to finish it that is completely watered down.  I don't need a drink to relax because I am alway in a state of peace and relaxation! Wow, what a powerful way to be - having the peace of the Lord keeping you calm and centered.

How is the peace of the Lord centering you?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nov 17th Daily Reflection

I woke up giddy with excitement! I am excited because the Lord is guiding my life and things are happening that I only dreamt about! And as I tried to calm my excitement, I read today's devotion and realized that I should not calm it! If my excitement is because of the blessings of the Lord, calming it is like committing a sin. And as I continued to reflect, I felt a feeling of clalmness mixed with excitement, another new feeling that is a direct result of surrendering to the Lord!

How is only following the Lord creating excitement in your life?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Nov 16th Daily Reflection

Looking out unto today, seems confusing and crazy, however, that craziness goes away when you know that the Lord is by your side! I woke up this morning and felt a little out of sorts and then I read this devotion and realized that I was unconsciously getting worked up over a really intense schedule. So I pulled out my devotion and read and as I was reading, I felt myself relaxing and realizing that the day will be awesome because I can give all my concerns up to the Lord! Tension left my body and my smile was once again genuine! Constant reminder everyday to fully surrender to the Lord and your smile will be awesome!

How are you smiling today?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov 15th Daily Reflection

Focus on your problems and you will lose sight of the Lord and are guaranteed to create additional problems with whatever solution your human brain can come up with. However, if you take your problem offer it up to the Lord, the solutions will be so simple, impactful and create so much love that you will wonder if you truly had a problem or simply a task to be completed. Fully surrendering to the Lord is one of the hardest thing to do because you can't see him and others are always questioning your faith, however, if you can defend your faith by simply saying because I believe and during times of doubt saying I believe - life will evolve from full of problems to full of really cool tasks!

How is offering up your problems to the Lord creating peace in your life?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nov 14th Daily Reflection

Have you ever stopped and reflected on the things you do just to be loved by another human? Can you recall holding yourself back because you wanted another human to love you? Or maybe you were the human who put requirements in place before others could receive your love? Now image only needing to love the Lord and by only loving the Lord, you are able to love everyone because you are receiving so much love from the Lord you have to share it with others.....Image others going around spreading love in an unconditional manner....That is what the Lord wants from us, to love him and by loving him, receive his love in such abundance that the only thing you can do is love others!

How is loving the Lord helping you love others unconditionally?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nov 13th Daily Reflection

The Joy and Peace of the Lord with you all day long! Do we really have this joy and peace all day long or do we do things to short circuit it? Do we actively look for the Joy and Peace or do we simply get consumed in ourselves that we miss opportunities to truly appreciate it? Over the past month, I have actively seeked out the opportunities to appreciate the Joy and Peace of the Lord, and the most interesting thing is happening in my life - no matter what happens I am constantly at peace, decisions are easier to make because they are constantly being made with the guidance of the Lord! If we decide to have the Joy and Peace of the Lord all day long, we will have it! At first it might be weird, however, after a few weeks, you will notice somethingis different with your life and then you will realize what that difference is and people around you will notice a difference even if they can't say what it is.

May you find the Joy and Peace of the Lord today and every other day!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Nove 12th Daily Reflection

Receiving the blessings of the Lord in abundance, this past week, I should have been stressed and to the point of unhappiness since it seems like I would not be able to effect the change I wanted at the rate I wanted. Then something interesting happened, it was a relatively calm week, I got to spend time simply relaxing and for a brief moment, I started to feel guilty then I realized I was in this state because of the blessings of the Lord! Because I was staying close to him, I was in constant contact with his peace and because I am at peace, I can process the human world in a manner that results in the changes that moves everyone forward and as such I was able to receive the many blessings with open hands and heart!

How are you experiencing the many blessings of the Lord?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nov 10th Daily Reflection

Staying in the Lord's presence. As I go thru my day, I can see how staying in his presence is helping me remain at peace and helping me be loving when my human mind wants me to attack. By staying close to him, walking away for a moment when things get tense all lead to a level of peace that can't be shaken! And it's that level of peace that propels us forward everyday.

What are you doing to maintain your level of peace?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Nov 9th Daily Reflection

Yesterday an incident happened at the office that left me stunned - I was in disbelief that a co-worker could act unprofessional. That incident bothered me and I wondered do I say something or let it go. I kept thinking about it, asked a few people for their opinion and then thought, why am I not giving this decision up to the Lord. And once I gave the decision up to the Lord, peace returned. I was at peace because I knew that providing feedback whether or not it was received in a positive manner was the godly thing to do. It would be ungodly for me to watch a co-worker fail and not say or do something about it! And just like that, I was able to move on and continue spreading the Lord's love.

How have you seen peace return to your life after doing the difficult but godly thing?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nov 8th Daily Reflection

Today's daily reflection is about trusting the Lord during difficult times and I smiled because as I trust him, my work becomes easier. I am currently in one of the most difficult position I have ever had - the volume of work almost doesn't seem to fit into one day but somehow it fits! It fits because the Lord is guiding the day. As I walk thru the day, I am open to letting people know that they need to slow down for me, repeat because I am confused, that I love them especially if they make a mistake, and that at the end of the day we will be successful because the Lord guided us to succes. With that position, I can work a 12 hr day and feel excited at the end, I can stop and meditate during the day and I can be fearless in my walk! All because of the Lord! And the amazing and inspiring results I am seeing only confirms my position that letting the Lord guide your day means every and any thing is possible!

How is letting the Lord guide your day helping you achieve success?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nov 7th Daily Reflection

When things get rough, when you are under asault, when others question your commitment, know that if you follow the Lord, all things will work out perfectly! If you have doubts, it is a reminder to stop and spend some time with the Lord! Spending time with the Lord will clear up all doubts and give you the confidence to withstand all negativity! I am smiling because yesterday, I had a day like that and by spending time doing small prays I was able to get thru, a bit worn but knowing fully why I felt the way I did and was able to express it. I can't believe it took me 41 years to find the peace of the Lord, but I did and every moment I give thanks for finding it!

How are you using the Lord to get thru difficult times?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov 6th Daily Reflection

Focus on the Lord and try to please only the Lord. I smile because recently, I strayed away from that guideline which resulted in a tense moment, however, because I am always looking for the blessings of the Lord, I saw the blessings in my misstep! It's amazing that even when we make a mistake, if we realize that we caused it, the Lord will send a wonderful blessing so that the mistake looks like something great! I experienced that recently and must say, I am excited to make another mistake because thru mistakes, blessings are also rained upon us!

How are you turning mistakes into blessings?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nov 5th Daily Reflection

Since my Emmaus retreat, I feel as if the Lord has enveloped me with his love and protection and nothing can go wrong. Things that were once difficult for me are now easy, things that once caused me stressed no longer causes me stress, where others see problems, I know see possibilities, even my desire to be right has lessen. And as I was reflecting on this during my 80 mile bike ride, I realized that this is happening because the Lord is directing my life! I am no longer in control, he is in ultimate control and as such, things are going great! And when something doesn't go according to plan, I stop and wait for the blessings and because I am looking for the blessings of the disappointment, it always comes! The elusive peace of the Lord is now with me and as such, I can spread that peace to others.

How is being close to the Lord bringing you peace?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Nov 3rd Daily Reflection

Disappointments - good or bad? Most of our lives we were taught that disappointments are bad, however, they are actually good. The deep teachings of the bible talks of disappointment as a wonderful thing because it encourages us to go back to the Lord and what better place can we be but next to the Lord? And if the best place to be is next to the Lord and disappointments cause to be there, then disappointments are the best things that could happen to us. I also find that viewing disappointment as a blessings allows me to move pass it quickly and ALWAYS there is something wonderful on the other side!

How are you giving thanks and praises for your disappointments?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Nov 2nd Daily Reflection

I am taking on a new assignment at the office which is possibly the most difficult assignment I have had to date all while keeping all of my current responsibilities. At first I was feeling stressed and not worthy, then I stopped, exhauled and went to the Lord. The Lord whispered that this the best thing that could happen to me and that it is a perfect opportunity to be the conduit of the Lord's love. And as I started to see the possibilities, my stress gave wa to joy and excitement! I know that this new assignment will be awesome because the Lord will be by my side!

How does knowing the Lord is by your side turn your stress into excitement?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oct 31st Daily Reflection

Meditating and centering oneself in the Lord before going into the world. Image a world where everyone would spend a few moments each morning meditating and centering themselves in the Lord. People would be nicer to each other, more merciful and loving, forgiving each others for mistakes. The anger and hurt would be less and collaboration and help would be more prevelant. Instead of imaging such a world, I am challenging you to act as if such a world exists because if we do, we will find that it does exists and see the benefits of spending the time praying to the Lord.

Are you ready for the challenge?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Oct 30th Daily Reflection

"I am with you", what a powerful sentence when spoke to anyone, however, its power increases when spoken by the Lord. Image the life we could lead if we truly believed and acted as if the Lord was truly with us! If we went thru life with the confidence of knowing the Lord was guiding and supporting us! Our ability to positively impact would be limitless! We would move thru the world with a sense of fearlessness that even those intent on doing evil would be afraid of us! I smile because when I think about how much I have accomplished because my parents are always with me and then I think if I went a bit further and believed that the Lord is always with me, how much more I can accomplish!

How is your accomplishment improving because you believe the Lord is with you?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Oct 29th Daily Reflection

Center yourself in the Lord! Before you start the day, spend time to be quiet with him, praying and listening to his whispers.....I find that centering myself with the Lord allows me to see the love in the world around me, allows me to see the good in any situation and most importantly allows me to love those who have harmed me. Being centered in the Lord allows me to withstand the redicule of loving the Lord and proclaiming it. Centered in the Lord, I can enjoy my love affair with him, smiling thru the day, brigthening other's day.

How is being centered in the Lord, making your life better?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oct 28th Daily Reflection

I love today's devotion! It talks about forgiving those who have hurt us and I would take it a bit further and say loving those who hurt us because that shows true sign of grace and brings us closer to the Lord. As the Lord forgives us and continues to love us even when we hurt him so we should do to others who have hurt us. I have found that forgiveness and loving those who hurt me gives me more peace than revenge or holding the hurt. I become more powerful and ensure that they do not take control of my life.

How is forgiveness helping your reach peace in your life?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Oct 27th Daily Reflection

I had plan on going camping on today, then I cancelled because of the weather, however, I decided not to cancel my reservation. This morning, I woke up to a beautiful day and started to worry that maybe I can still go but my friend wouldn't be able to and how do I ask her without making her feel pressured. I was getting worked up for about 5 mins when I realized, I should simply stop, take a deep breath and let the Lord decide. So I did that and a peace came over me. That is when I realize the peace in my life is always there and my turning away from the Lord causes me to loss sight of it.

How are causing the peace to go out of your life?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oct 25th Daily Reflection

God is with us all the time, however, it is up to us to determine open up to him, including him in our life at all times. Stopping thru the day to connect with him especially when you are the busiest makes the day so much better. It helps keeps everything in perspective and leads you to realize that whatever melt down you are going thru is nothing with the Lord by your side.

How is staying close to the Lord helping make your day better?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Oct 23rd Daily Reflection

Walking around enveloped in the Lord's love gives you a sense of peace and relaxation that is so amazing! I just came from a beautiful life altering retreat with some incredible women and I understand why I was encouraged to attend. After a year of struggling, I can be completely open and at peace with the Lord trusting him with every details of my life and I can say my life is so rewarding, I bounce out of bed everyday. I see possibilties when others see problems. The first step is letting go, second is trusting, the third is looking for his blessings all day long.

Are you experiencing the peace of being enveloped in the Lord's love?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Oct 21st Daily Reflection

Rejoice whenever your plans were interrupted by the Lord! I spent the weekend at Emmaus and one of the things I was telling the other women was rejoice when things don't go your way! It is so great to be able to rejoice when I am dispppointed because it reminds me that I am trying to play God and whenever we  try to play God and ascend to the judgment throne, we run into problem! As we realize that the closer to the Lord we get, the easier it is to deal with the petty things on earth.

How is your walk and closeness to the Lord making you realize that earthly things are a distraction?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oct 15th Daily Reflection

Staying conscious on the Lord, even when the world around us is distracting....I must say my struggle to continuously do this has lessen and now I can catch myself when I am not being conscious of the Lord. I can say that being a constant state of consciousness of the Lord creates a life that is beyond words! It is as if I can experience heaven on earth, the rainings of blessings are non-stop and you have a high that is incredible!

How is staying conscious on the Lord making life more vibrant?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Oct 14th Daily Reflection

What if whenever we have a problem, face a disappointment, we stop for a moment and rejoice? Truly rejoice and give thanks and praise that this is an awesome opportunity for us, give thanks that the Lord loves us so much that he gave us this great problem! Wouldn't that we really awesome? By now you are thinking I must be completely drunk! However, if we did rejoice whenever there was a problem, we would be able to see the beauty of the situation, we could see that it is not really a problem, it's just how the situation is occuring to us and if we changed the occurance, we would see the beauty and blessings. I started to see all problems in my life as blessings of the Lord and the funny thing is they became blessings. The joy and excitement I get when I have a new problem to solve! The giddiness that I will get to use my God given talents to make a difference - WOW! What a feeling. The spiritual high I get from resolving an issue thru God's guidance! I now lead a problem free life, I live an opportunity filled one!

How are you seeing problems as blessings of the Lord?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oct 11th Daily Reflection

Over the past few days I have been taking about going to the Lord, trusting in him with unwavering faith and today, I would like to talk about seeing the blessings of following the recommendations. If we have a hard time, is it really a hard time or is it that we are mis-interpeting the beauty of the situation. Every situation I have been in that at first I said was a hard time, actually turned out to be the passageway into a beautiful blessing. It begins and ends with the Lord who provides only beautiful things for us.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oct 10th Daily Reflection

Unwavering trust! Trust so intense that you can't image not trusting! This is what the Lord is asking of us. He wants us to trust without knowing what the future holds. This type of trust is difficult to achieve, however, once we achieve it, it is hard to image not having trusting in this manner. As we strive to get closer to the Lord, it is unwavering trust that will get there!

How are you handling your struggle to have unwavering trust with the Lord?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oct 9th Daily Reflection

The ways that the Lord speaks to us is so amazing. A friend is going thru a very difficult time in her life and she is at the "why bother" point. This is the point where only the Lord can help! So before even reading today's devotion I sent her a text telling her to keep the faith, stay with the Lord and things will be fine. Then I though did I overstep? Am I wrong? I read today's devotion which encourages us to go to the Lord with all our worries, complaints, and he will take care of us. He will provide what we need at the exact time we need it. The devotion confirmed that my text was the right thing to do. Going to the Lord is the only way to get thru a difficult time. I know is from past experience and staying with him after you have gotten thru ensures that everything is aways great!

How is staying with the Lord causing you to live a great life?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Oct 8th Daily Reflection

LOVE! This is an interesting word. People use all the time to convey an intimacy, however, do we truly live love? Do we live love in the sense that we use our love for someone as the basis of our action? Is love the first consideration before response to a preceived hurt or wrong? Or do we only live love when things are going well? I am pondering these questions after reading today's devotion which calls us to love the Lord and indirect calling for us to love each other unconditionally!

What questions are you pondering as you try to live love?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct 4th Daily Reflection

Yesterday, I was an emotional roller coaster! Whenever something would happen that didn't meet my expectations I would get annoyed and then I would stop and say a small pray which would calm me down and I would be able to provide a solution. This continued throughout the day and at the end of the day, I was feeling uplifting! And I thought why am I feeling uplifting after such a roller coaster day? The answer was I did something different, I would let my emotions get the better of me but I would not react to them and by not reacting, I was ensuring I didn't create more issues. So normally a day like yesterday would end with more issues than necessary but by staying close to the Lord, most issues were resolved and no new issues were added.

How is staying close to the Lord reducing your issues?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oct 2nd Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is about having a love affair with the Lord. I smile when I read it because a few months ago, I decided that I should be having a love affair with the Lord and because of that affair, I was free to love everyone one around me. That incredible, spiritual lifting love where you don't care if the person loves you back because you have so much love flowing thru you! And the interesting thing is because I was so open with my love not having a care about it being returned that I almost missed the love that was being returned to me! A few weeks ago I went out with a few friends and what struck me was these were people who knows me intimately and their love was so evident, I went out with another friend and the same thing happened, her love for me was so evident! Now that I am aware, I have so many wow moments where I can only stand and say wow, did that most wonderful beautiful thing just happen?

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1st Daily Reflection

Taking time to rest with the Lord! Yesterday, I did that instead of trying to squeeze work in and found that this morning I am much better prepared for the week. Questions I couldn't answer, issues I could resolved, all have answers and resolutions because I spent time with the Lord. Today's devotion is a good reminder because I sometimes get caught up in the day to day don't stop to give thanks or be quite with the Lord.

How is being quite with the Lord helping you?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sept 28th Daily Reflection

I think back to last year when trying to relax in the arms of the Lord was such a stressful thing to do. I had to force myself to relax and today, without thinking when I feel I am becoming overwhelmed, I instinctively go to him. I am amazed at the time it took for me to be trusting of the Lord when I would always profess my faith in him. This realization gives me a moment to pause and reflect on how difficult it is live the life of complete trust in the Lord.

How is your trust in the Lord growing and helping you relax?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sept 25th Daily Reflection

Yesterday, I had some really interesting interactions at the office and for a moment, I was about to get upset then I stopped and said a small pray and instead of getting upset, I just said ok and walked away. By doing this, I was able to avoid some unnecessary conflicts. And by the end of the day, I realized that my concerns while still valid could be resolved in other ways using other resources. Completely trusting in the Lord is the way to go and I am seeing great strides in everything I do because of my trust in the Lord!

How is completely trusting in the Lord helping you achieve success in your life?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sept 24th Daily Reflection

Being so in the presence of the Lord that you can see and experience him in others. I went to dinner last night with a few of my very dear friends and for about 3 hrs, I was totally in their presence not thinking about anything, simply focusing on them. And the most amazing thing happened, I noticed their beauty in a manner I had never noticed before! I could see how as I strive to be the conduit of the Lord's love for others, they were being that for me and each other. It was such a beautiful evening with love and inspiration flowing so freely, that I know the Lord was in our midst.

How is being in the presence of the Lord helping you see the beauty in others?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sept 23rd Daily Reflection

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1 JOHN 4:18

I read this today as part of the daily reflection and thought how perfect a versus. Most times we spend our lives saying we love someone while fearing that person and then wonder why the relationship is so difficult, why peace eludes the relationship. This versus reminds us that if there is fear in a relationship, it is probably not a good relationship. Likewise, our relationship with the Lord should not have any fear in it for if we fear the Lord, we deny ourselves the perfect love that we can receive from him.

How is fear keeping you from a perfect love affair with the Lord?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sept 21st Daily Reflection

Today is Belize's Independence Day and I can remember when we achieved independence in 1981, the celebration, the cheering, the excitement that things would be different, the pride that no other country could tell us what to do. And I still feel proud and can vividly recall independence eve night. I reflect on this event because at times we get so caught up in being independent that we draw away from the Lord and try to do things ourselves. However, the beauty of independence is the ability to choose to be dependent, dependent on the Lord of guidance, dependent on the Lord peace, dependent on the Lord for a fulfilled life. Over the past few days, as I have struggled to find a few quite moments to be with the Lord, my appreciation of the moments increase. And I know that they only way to Get thru the biggest transformation of my life is to be so close to the Lord that I can hear him in the noisiest places.

How is being dependent on the Lord giving you strength?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sept 19th Daily Reflection

1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
Brothers and sisters:
Strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts.

But I shall show you a still more excellent way.

If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.
If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing; if tongues, they will cease; if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing. For we know partially and we prophesy partially, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things. At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known. So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

I love this scripture because it keeps me grounded in reality, the reality that unless I get my direction from the heart what I do is meaningless. It helps me stay passionate in all things I do and ensures that I don't do something simply because I think it is the right thing to do. It reminds me that it is better to stray from the Lord and do wrong if it is from the heart than stay close to him and do things only from the head. A wonderful reminder of the importance of fully giving up oneself to the Lord!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sept 18th Daily Reflection

Everyday we have to make decisions and when we seek the Lord's guidance the decision is so easily made! However, the most decision we must make everyday is to go to the Lord for guidance and that is where we fall down constantly, deciding not to go to the Lord for guidance and thinking we can make the decisions ourselves.

How does not going to the Lord make your life more difficult?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept 17th Daily Reflection

Give up your planning to the Lord, let go of control, be comfortable with the unknown, these are all things that allows for a life where you can experience heaven on earth. However, we resist these recommendations and spend our time planning and having peace elude us. I have to confess I am a recoverying planner, I would create detail plans and then work them diligently only to become frustrated. However, once I started creating goals with some high level idea of how to accomplish them, frustration when away, outcomes were always beyond my expectation and peace returned to my life. I accomplished this bey going and stay close to the Lord!

How is being close to the Lord helping you accomplish your goals and dreams while keeping your peace?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sept 16th Daily Reflection

One of the interesting thing about being close to the Lord is that he will carry you thru anything. This past week, a decision was made that I thought was not the right one and normally I would start fighting the decision but this time I asked the Lord for guidance and then a few days later the decision was changed and the right decision made without any input on my part. Because of the guidance of the Lord, I was able to trust my co-workers that they would make the right decision. Over the past few weeks, I have seen how going to the Lord for guidance has eliminate churn and chaos!

How is being close to the Lord eliminating churn and chaos in your life?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 15th Daily Reflection

It has been 5 days since I last wrote. The missed days is not because I have stopped, however, it is because I have been living the guidance of Jesus Calling. It has been a very enlightening 5 days. I have come to realize my weakness and in that realization given tremendous joy over it. It is only in weakness that I can fully appreciate the Lord, it is only in weakness that I can truly be the conduit of the Lord's love. And as I rejoice in my weakness, the scales have fallen off of my eyes and I am able to see and appreciate the gloriousness of the Lord! From weakness comes closeness to the Lord.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept 10th Daily Reflection

As I start another awesome week, my excitement is high because I know the Lord is at my side! I know that as long as I stay focused on the Lord, I know that everything will be awesome. Today's devotion reminds us that the Lord never leaves our side and that when we feel that he has, it is because we have wondered away not that he has left.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sept 9th Daily Reflection

I sometimes wonder why do I ever doubt? Why is it that I can hold out hope and then at the last minute, my faith wavers? I am not too sure what the answer is, however, what I have started to do, has been really helpful in reducing the times that I waver. I have been deliberate to stop and give thanks every few hours and depending on what is going on, every few minutes and I have found that the instances of wavering has drastically reduced. I have also been deliberate about viewing the Lord as a great friend and that means whenever I need to share, I go to him and funny thing, he provides the guidance I need.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sept 6th Daily Reflection

I was reading another devotion this morning and it talked about if you are trying close to the Lord, someone couldn't spend more than 5 minutes in your company without knowing how much you love the Lord. It was interesting because I had to think do people know how much I love the Lord, how much I celebrate his blessing and how much I would love for everyone to love the Lord. Unfortunately, I couldn't answer with a confident YES! And that made me pause and realize that I must step-up my game as the conduit of the Lord's love! Another fun and exciting challenge!

How are you letting people know how much you love the Lord?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4th Daily Reflection

I just came off of the most amazing weekend! I might even venture to say it was the perfect weekend! And in retrospect, I found 1 thing in common throughout the weekend, I was taking time to be with the Lord, allowing him to guide me and being the conduit for his Lord. Whenever, I felt that I had drifted a bit away, I would return, regardless of where I was or what I was doing. And I realized that  I was truly living what I have been writing about, being so close to the Lord that you can hear even his smallest whispers.

How are you staying close to the Lord?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 1st Daily Reflection

Go to the Lord rejoicing when things are going great in the same manner you do when things are not going great! What a wonderful feeling it is to share your joy with the Lord, knowing that he will rejoice along with you! I believe this devotion is so timely because I just came of what I believe is the most awesome week I have had to date! And it was the week I was most successful in staying really close to the Lord! Correlation?

How are your blessings increasing because you are staying close to the Lord?

Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31st Daily Reflection

Celebrate your weakness! Rejoy because you need help doing anything you do! How cool it is to take a preceived weakness as an actual strength because it keeps you close to the Lord? And we all have great experience of when we stay close to the Lord, the awesomeness we encounter.

How are you rejoicing in your weakness of depending on the Lord?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29th Daily Reflection

I woke at 4:30 this morning and normally when I wake at this time, I try to go back to sleep but today, I got up and just sat and listened. There was an uplifting quiteness that signal a wonderful peace. And I thought the Lord is with me, how cool is it that I got this opportunity to be quite with the Lord! Today's devotion talks about being quite with the Lord and allowing yourself to stop focusing on earthly things and start focusing on Godly things. I have been doing that and tracking the outcomes and the interesting thing I have noticed is when I focus on Godly things in any situation, things work out, however, when I focus on earthly things such as looking good, being right, winning, unnecessary tension is created.

How is focusing on Godly things allowing you to experience heaven on earth?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28th Daily Reflection

I have been supplimenting the daily devotion with readings from the "Consoling the Heart of Jesus" daily pray book and the combination has been profound! I find myself becoming more and more fearless in situations because, my faith that the Lord will guide and protect me has grown stronger. This of course, is producing some results that the Bible predicted, others are trying to create doubt and shake my faith. However, this provide a great reason for me to increase the time I spend meditating and being close othe Lord! Of course, there are others who have been highly supportive of growth and given me opportunities to continue growing as they model what it is to be the conduit of the Lord's love.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25th Daily Reflection

I was smiling as I read today's devotion because this week was definitely a week of training for me and while it was one filled with enormous blessings, I would not have been able to receive them without being close to the Lord. Being in training mode made it easier to be close to the Lord because I was not afraid of making mistakes and that lack of fear made it okay to be vulnerable! A prefect ending to a prefect week!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21st Daily Reflection

Wait with the Lord and all his blessings will be shown! Sometimes I start running around like I am crazy and then I stop and ask myself do I really need to do that or am I trying to be God and decide what should happen. Then I stop and most times, I realize I am trying to be God and dictate what should happen which means I need to stop and sit for awhile. The first few times I did this, I thought everything would go to pieces but they didn't everything turned out perfectly! So now I simply sit and wait for awhile and then I calmly go about my way and everything works out fine - the blessings of the Lord in action!

Waiting with the Lord for all his blessings - what a wonderful way to spend the day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

August 20th Daily Reflection

Last year, I was in such despair knowing that something had to change but was fight the Lord on the changes he recommended. Then I became serious about my spiritual journey and my only focus became getting close to the Lord and as my relationship with him grew, I developed a wonderful love affair with him and thur this affair, all the brokeness in my life was heal. I was able to embrace my weakness and because I was able to embrace my weakness, I became strong! My strenght grew at such an alarming pace, I had doubts but the Lord removed them. So a year on, I went from having parts of my birthday celebration being a disaster to all of it being incredibly beautiful and wonderful. Today I celebrate my birthday and my re-birth in the Lord! The future never looked so exciting!

How are you letting the Lord heal your life?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18th Daily Reflection

Have you ever been excited walking into a fight? So excited that you never think you will loss, so excited that you don't stop to think if the fight is worth it? That's like facing all the difficulties in your life with so much excitement that you don't think of them as difficulties! And this excitement comes from being so close to the Lord that difficulties are no longer difficulties but awesome opportunities to stay close to the Lord and be a conduit for his love!

How excited are you to face difficulties in your life because you have a relationship with the Lord?

Friday, August 17, 2012

August 17th Daily Reflection

Attachment! I was reading the short version of "Consoling the Heart of Jesus" and it talked about attachments. We become attached to things that we loss sight of the Lord, elevating them above the Lord and makes it difficult to fully embrace him. I find that people have a very hard time letting go of attachments both physical and mental - we are so concern about lossing our physical possessions and will do strange things to ensure that doesn't happen. And it is even more difficult to let go of our mental attachments, someone hurts us and we hold unto that hurt for years, something we preceived as negative happens and we do everything our power to try and avoid it happening again, something wonderful happens and we hold unto it wanting to recreate it at every opportunity. However, if we can stop focusing on our attachments seeing them as physical anchors and fleeting moments in time, we will see that the only attachment we need is the attachment to the Lord.

How are your attachments keeping you from the Lord?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

August 15th Daily Reflection

Seeing difficulties as blessings, allowing yourself to pause during the day to speak with the Lord, finding excuses to be closer to Lord, all things when done, brings you into the arms of the Lord and causes you to experience heaven on earth. A very long sentence to explain a simple concept which must be constantly monitored or it falls by the wayside. I have found that days when I am diligent and adhere to guidance, I am so over full by joy because I get to experience heaven on earth!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 14th Daily Reflection

I am the alpha and the omega says the Lord. The world is constantly changing but your relationship with the Lord remains the same. Today, I went to mass and was so moved by the homily, it reminds us that we should remain child like without being childish. And that made me smile because to stay close to the Lord you must be childlike and being childlike means you as you change, you need to remain the same! How do you remain the same as you change is basically, as you mature you retain your relationship with the Lord and letting that drive your maturity! As you mature, your excitement, trust, joy and love of the Lord only grows not change and because it is growing, your relationship with the Lord grows and strengthen.

How does being childlike bring you closer to the Lord?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12th Daily Reflection

Sometimes I become doubtful that all my work and energy is being effective because I look around and see others progressing faster than I am progressing. However, today's devotion is a good reminder that focusing on whether I am being effective is in of itself ineffective! That by embracing my weakness, doubt and taking them to the Lord allows me to strengthen my relationship with him and by strengthen my relationship with the Lord, I can become even more effective than I could image. Smiling because of how simple and difficult it is to be close to the Lord!

How are you channeling your weakness into being closer to the Lord?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

August 9th Daily Reflection

Righteousness, what does that mean? One meaning is
the quality or state of being just or rightful: They came torealize the righteousness of her position on the matter.

Today's devotion talks about wearing the cloak of righteousness. I have always had trouble with the word righteousness because I feel that people use it to justify doing what I would righteously call evil deeds :-). Upon closer reading, I realize the cloak of righteousness is actually the cloak of righteousness of the Lord. The Lord is the one who determines what is righteous, not us! A new meaning to the word, a new way of being righteous. It is not us who determines what is just or rightful but the Lord and if we are wearing the cloak of righteousness of the Lord, then we are allowing him to be righeous and by doing so, we become closer to him since it is the Lord being the judge instead of us.

Is the cloak of righeousness of the Lord protecting or suffocating you?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 7th Daily Reflection

I have a saying - your heart and head need to reconcile or you will feel out of sorts. Today's devotion talks about trying to understand what is going on around you instead of simply giving in to the Lord and trusting him for everything. When we try to understand, the comprehension is fleating and results in us feeling empty. However, if we can get our head and heart to reconcile that it is not important to understand anything but to simply trust in the Lord, peace will be with us and we get to experience heaven on earth.

How are you trusting in the Lord more than understanding helping you achieve peace?

Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6th Daily Reflection

Take your troubles to the Lord, I would say take your joys as well! The best reasons to stay in constant communications with the Lord! Simple words, difficult actions.

How are you staying in constant communications with the Lord?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Aug 3rd Daily Reflection

Being diligent with your words! I smiled when I read it because I have so many data points of experiencing this. Saying something without stopping to pray and become centered and then saying the same thing after I prayed and was centered and getting different responses and results. Of course, the positive responses are always derived from the times when I prayed and was centered. Part of being a conduit for the Lord's love is to be diligent with your words, a timely reminder.

how are you being diligent with your words?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 2nd Daily Reflection

Spending time with the Lord. Last year, I thought this meant putting aside large chunks of time to being quite, then I realized that spending time with the Lord is something you do all day long. An example is last night I was at a meeting and by sharing my purpose in life - to be the conduit for the Lord's love - I was spending time with the Lord or when I took about 20 seconds and gave thanks for a good day. All simple examples of spending time with the Lord in a consistent manner through out the day.

How are you spending time with the Lord?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1st Daily Reflection

I was reading what I wrote last year and it was clear I didn't fully understand what it means to truly love oneself. However, a year later, numerous books and conversation on, I am getting it. Loving oneself is not really the goal, the true goal is loving the Lord so much that you have no choice but to love yourself and others because the Lord resides in all of us. Having such a deep love for the Lord that on earth it manifests itself as self love! Unconditional love of the Lord! It is unconditional love of the Lord that causes you to love everyone unconditionally. A year later, I get it, loving in the spiritual world produces great acts of love in the physical, however, we spend our time loving in the physical world and that's when we run into problems.

How are you loving the Lord in the spritual world?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31st Daily Reflection

How cool it is to be completely uncomfortable about something or a situation and going to the Lord with your uncomfortableness and having him welcome you into his arms without judgment! Another moment of heaven on earth! 

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30th Daily Reflection

After a very peaceful weekend, reading this devotion continues the reminder that we we should look for God's blessings, sometimes in the most unusual places. It's at times of peace that we need to be even more aware of the Lord's blessings, taking time to fully appreciate it!

How are you appreciating the Lord's blessings while at peace?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29th Daily Reflection

Staying close to the Lord, making your life line so short that the moment you start wandering away, you get a tug to return. I have noticed that it is really easy for me to stay close to the Lord during good times and bad times, it's those times when things are status quo, calm and nothing crazy or exciting is happening that I drift and without a life line, I might drift so far that when I need him, it takes longer to return. I find that when I drift, I take longer to offer up thanksgiving praises or seek his guidance to right a wrong I have done. Living a life close to the Lord is experiencing heaven on earth! How long is your life line?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 26th Daily Reflection

Relax and let the Lord lead us thru life! Smiling because I reaping the blessings of adhering to that directive. I have found making plans to the extent that it establishes guard rails is all I really need and the Lord usually works out the details in a manner that showers me with blessings beyond belief. How is your trust in the Lord impacting your planning?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25th Daily Reflection

Today marks a year since I have been blogging about Jesus Calling Daily Reflection and I smile when reading today's devotion because what I got a year ago is not the same thing that I am getting from the reading today. It is amazing that you can read the same book, passage, devotion over and over and depending on where you are in your life, you get different meanings sometimes vastly different ones! I will spend my day looking for all the messages the Lord is sending me because I know that he is always guiding and consoling me and it is up to me to look and listen. How are you using your day to find the Lord's messages?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24th Daily Reflection

Being thankful opens up the line of communication with the Lord and if you are in constant communication with the Lord, all you see are his blessings which puts you in a state of thankfulness. Now the question is which comes first, being thankful or being in constant communication with the Lord? I believe that since it is most difficult to be in a constant state of thankfulness, that is where one should focus their energies. Where do you think one should start?

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23rd Daily Reflection

Sometimes we look at our lives and are overwhelm by the things happening and we let this feeling of overwhelm-ness get the better of us, however, if we stop for a moment and offer up a pray of thanksgiving for the source of overwelm-ness, we open our heart to see the light of the Lord and the darkness that accompanies the overwhelm-ness is removed. I experienced this, this pass weekend and the excitement I felt after praying made my moment of overwhelm-ness disappear. I was also able to see I was feeling overwhelm because I was more concerned about looking good than be authentic in what I wanted to do. Being able to get back to my authentic self was part of the excitement. I smile when I think about how easy it is for the Lord to fix everything as long as we remain in a place of spirituality and not be concerned about worldly things. How are you keeping the light in your life?

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20th Daily Reflection

As I continue my quest of not complaining I am starting to get a small glimpse of the glory of heaven on earth. Today's devotion is truly on point to say that the Lord has hidden heaven in our heart and as we open our heart to the Lord, the glimpse gets more frequent.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19th Daily Reflection

As I read today's devotion, I couldn't help but smile. Yesterday, I decided I would stop complaining and whenever I found myself complaining, I would stop and start over again. One of the things that comes put of not complaining is your fear and anxiety goes away because everything that happens is great. And fear and anxiety is a reslilt of thinking something bad happened and worrying about the consequences of the bad stuff. However, without complaining, there is no bad stuff and if there is no bad stuff, then there is nothing to fear, no fear no anxiety. It's interesting how as you go along the path of root cause analysis, the apparent problem is actually a symptom of the actual problem. How are you working to get to the root cause of what is keeping you from the Lord?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17th Daily Reflection

Looking to the Lord, staying close to him and rejoice for all the blessings even the ones you would prefer not to have! The interesting thing is if you truly embrace this way of being, you start to realize that everything that happens in your life is a blessing and getting upset is a sign of being ungrateful and thinking you have full control of your life. Of course, this requires that you live in a spiritual world while being in a physical world - a difficult but impossible task. How are you being spiritual in a physical world?

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16th Daily Reflection

Self pity is a bottomless pit of disppear and depression. How true nad once you realize you are about to go down that pit,turning to the Lord will help your fall, however, sometimes the Lord will use someone in your life to stop the slide. And we need to be constantly villigant when that person arrives so that we don't miss the Lord's blessings. I felt as if I was falling into that pit last week and the Lord sent two people to help pull me out - my spiritual director caught me and stopped my downward spiral and a good friend pulled me out! I could feel the physical change when I was pulled out of the pit. How are allowing the Lord to pull you out of the pit of self pity?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15th Daliy Reflection

Don't worry about tomorrow! How wonderful and glorious a day it is when you don't worry about tomorrow! You can be in the moment and fully enjoy the blessings of the Lord. I did that today and found myself completely centered and rejoicing in the beauty of the day including riding home on my bicycle in the most beautiful rain storm! Living in the moment is another demonstration of the faith, trust and love you have for the Lord! How did you appreciate the Lord's blessings by being in the moment?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 14th Daily Reflection

This past week was difficult and there were times I needed assistance to keep clinging to the Lord. And thanks to my spirtual director, I was able to get thru the week, get the strength to put the week behind me and be able to see the blessings of the Lord for the week. And the Lord did bless me and gave me numerous opportunities to be close to him and at times let him carry me. I was also able to experience his love by using others as his conduit. So as I move forward into the day, I can't help but smile. How are you using difficulties to get closer to the Lord?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12th Daily Reflection

Staying close to the Lord - I had a wonderful experience on that yesterday. A friend let the love of the Lord flow thru him and I was able to be lifed up from dispair, the joy and excitement for life returned! A few simple words arranged in the right order and spoke and I could feel the love of the Lord and I knew that the trama of the break-in was a good thing, I could give thanks for it and I could pray for the people who thought they deserved our stuff more than we did. Thank you Lord for surrounding me with great people. How is the Lord surrounding you with great people?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 9th Daily Reflection

Walking close to the Lord keeps me grounded on what's important. Yesterday, our house burgalized, however, the person who we suspect stole was not the person one would expect. We have hurricane impact doors so the hole that was made, was too small for someone to get and the crime scene investigator confirmed this, however, my mom's jewelry and some cash were gone. We believe that the police who walked thru our house to ensure no one was inside went to town on her stuff. The sadness comes not from being robbed, we know that when you acquire material things others will believe that they are entitled to it - one of the risk of owning stuff, the sadness is because someone who is suppose to protect violated us! While my mom is upset because the jewelry were custom made and personalized for her and some were made by my grandfather, I take solace in the fact that it will be near impossible to get any meaningful monies for them since she has an unusual spelling of her name and most of her jewelry had her name. Because of the Lord, we were able to remain clam thru this event and instead of becoming victims, we are going thru the grief process and realize, we still have what is important the memories of the jewelry and each other. And in a few days our sense of security will return. How does the Lord help you get thru a difficult period?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7th Daily Reflection

Over the past few days, I have been lossing myself in deep thoughts and some were not the best thoughts and while I knew it was wrong to have them, I couldn't shake them until I asked for forgiveness for having them. It was amazing that as soon as I asked for forgiveness, this weight lifted and life was once again light and happy. It is mind altering that a simple act of asking for forgiveness when you know you are sinning cause your entire energy and day to shift into a space of unbelievable happiness and joy! Staying truly close to the Lord has some amazing wonderful impact on your life.

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 6th Daily Reflection

It has been awhile since I posted, didn't realize it was 6 days. What have I been doing in those 6 days? Living the life as directed by the Lord even if it meant swallowing my pride and admitting that I really don't know what I am doing. Then this morning I woke up with a calm over me because I had opened up myself even more to let the love of the Lord flow thru me. I had gotten so close to the Lord that he had enveloped me in a protective shield. How is your journey with the Lord being calm to your life?

Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 30th Daily Reflection

Letting the Lord decide the course of your day means letting him control your thoughts! Simply said but difficult to adhere to, however, whenever we don't let the Lord control our mind, we run into problems and cause a disconnect between us and him. And the disconnect last as long as we resist the Lord. And as soon as we stop resisting everything falls in-line. So why do we resist? The question I am trying to understand....

Friday, June 29, 2012

June 29th Daily Reflection

Start the day knowing the Lord is with you! How wonderful it is to approach each day knowing that the Lord is by your side to handle it! It means every and any thing is possible and the end of the day is simply a joyous event! How are you using the Lord to conquer your day?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 28th Daily Reflection

Taste and see that I am good! I experienced that today. I went to an event where I had to face my ex and her current girl and then I had to introduce the main speaker. Talk about a heart pounding event, however, I went to the bathroom and spent a few moments praying. When I came out the Lord had wrapped me in a protective cloak and I was able to walk up and say hi, move on and gave a speech that got the crowd excited about the main speaker all without any notes! I tasted and saw that the Lord is good all the time! How are you tasting and seeing the good in the Lord?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27th Daily Reflection

You have journeyed a steep and rugged path and now you should rest in the Lord's presence. An interesting assertion, that I am thinking if you were having fun is it still steep and rugged or is it still steep and rugged however it has only a positive impact on you because you were journeying with the Lord? Something to ponder as we rest in the Lord's glory.....

Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25th Daily Reflection

Giving thanks for an incredibly beautiful day! Seeing the beauty in things we would not normally see beauty. Stopping each hour to engage the Lord sharing with him the beauty you just experienced in the past hour. All earthy things that allow you to experience heaven on earth. How are you giving thanks to experience heaven on earth?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 24th Daily Reflection

Trust in the Lord and worries and troubles melt away. Got some news today that threw me for a loop but only for a short period of time because I knew that the Lord would not allow me to stumble. And once I was able to get to that conclusion, I went thru a number of what is the worse that could happen and realized that the worse case would be an incredible blessing! How is trusting in the Lord helping your worries and troubles melt away?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23rd Daily Reflection

One of my favorite book is "Consoling the Heart of Jesus" because in order for you to become perfect, it recommends that you must look outwards on how you treat others, it rcommends that you must channel the Lord. And these things are only possible if you are close to the Lord and have a level of self awareness that you quickly realize when you wonder away from him. Today's devotion is about being persistent with staying close to the Lord knowing that you will wonder away. It can be a difficult journey if you loss sight of what is important or it can be a joyous journey. How is your journey of staying close to the Lord?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21st Daily Reflection

Wait paitently for the Lord, go to him without regard to time. Powerful directive which I sometimes misinterpet, sometimes waiting paitently for the Lord means being paitent with the people around you, having faith to wait for something incredible to happen, giving thanks when things don't go your way because you are waiting for the Lord to lead the way. It also means being so in the moment, appreciating all of the Lord's beauty that you have no care about how much time has transpired. I have found when I am completely in the moment appreciating the beauty of it, it feels as if a lot of time has passed and when I look at my watch, it is so little that I am never late for my next appointment. How are you waiting paitently for the Lord?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20th Daily Reflection

Image living a life where you see the Lord's love and glory in everything, everything! Seeing his glory in a person who is yelling at you. Seeing his love in a person while that person is doing you wrong. Can you image seeing him in all these preceived distressing situations? You can if you seek him out and the more you see him in these situations, the more these situations are no longer preceived as distressing. Seeking the Lord in everything/aspect of your life.... How are you seeking the Lord?

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18th Daily Reflection

Staying close to the Lord, trusting him when all worldly things are questioning your faith, being an outcast on earth, daunting positions to take, however, if you have the courage to take those positions, then everything works out perfectly! Today, was an intense day and I got yelled at for my convictions and it would have been easy to defend or compromise, however, I knew that doing either of those things would mean not trusting the Lord. So I took my tongue lashing because I knew that my position was the one that the Lord wanted. And at the end of the day as I reflected, I found numerous proof that holding to my convictions was the way to go. How are you holding to your convictions in light of assaults?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 17th Daily Reflection

Laughter! Laughing! Laugh! Not taking yourself too seriously so you can see the humor in every situation and laugh, especially if you think the situation is going sideways. I just had an experience where this happened to me. I had what I thought was an incredible idea and I started to pitch it to someone and the person's response was such that I had to start laughing not to get crushed and as I was laughing, I created the space for the person to completely experess opposition to my idea which cleared the way for an actual receiving of what I was saying. Image how that interaction could have gone if I had gotten defensive or hurt... How are you using laughter to express the Lord's love?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16th Daily Reflection

Being so wrapped up in your relationship with the Lord that you are not distracted by the whispers of others or have the need to judge other's relationship with the Lord is such a powerful place to be! Loving the Lord so much that you become fearless and joyfully become one of his many conduit of love and faith! It's a feeling that is beyond words! How is your relationship with the Lord?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion sounds like a summary of my life and I can atest to the fact that once I started using myself as the conduit of the Lord, everything and I mean everything starting going great, even things that I thought were not good given enough time revealed themselves as great! The joy and excitement of being the conduit of the Lord! How is your joy and excitement growing by being the conduit of the Lord?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13th Daily Reflection

Letting the love, joy and peace of the Lord flow thru you. I love it! When I am fully in the moment and experience being a conduit for the Lord, I can feel his love, joy which puts me at complete ease and peace. It amazing that despite that great feeling, I sometimes wonder away from the Lord and loss it. However, because the Lord is an all welcoming and forgiving Lord, he always welcomes me back. Continually experiencing the peace from being the conduit for the Lord's love and joy! How are experiencing being the conduit for the Lord's love and joy?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is a great reminder of viewing your troubles as blessings from the Lord! They draw you closer to the Lord and encourages you to be guided by him and because you are, out of your troubles great things happen. Sometimes we get caught up in the moment and try to be in command when the more appropriate thing to do is be humble and look to the Lord for guidance. Today is going to be an awesome day because the Lord is by my side and all I will receive are his blessings. How are you receiving the blessings of the Lord?

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion provides great encouragement to stay close to the Lord. Yesterday, a bunch of friends and I went the ballgame. I had put together a plan and the plan was taken over by one of them and then we got to the ballgame and it was a complete cluster getting parking and find somewhere to sit because she is in a wheelchair. I could feel myself having a complete breakdown and then something came over me, I will say in hindsight the Lord, and I removed myself from the situation for about 5 mins and was then able to deal and instead of having negative energy which would have jacked up my day, I was able to move forward and have a great time. Another example of giving oneself to the Lord and keenly listening especially when you think things are going sideways! Are you keenly listening to the Lord on a daily basis?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10th Daily Reflection

Last night I was trying to figure out how today was going to play out because it requires coordination amongst 5 people, then I realized that I was getting agitated because I was being asked the same questions over and over and one person didn't like my plans and was being passive agressive about it so instead of getting angry, I decided to hand over the planing to another person in the group who happily took over the planning. I smiled when I read today's devotion because as I gave myself up to the Lord he sent someone to take care of the day. He always does, sometimes we just miss it. How are you giving yourself up to the Lord?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9th Daily Reflection

Letting the love of the Lord envelop you such that nothing and I mean nothing bothers you because you are living a life without fear. I say that that's how I am living my life, however, I am not always sure, then last night something happened that validated that I am truly living my life without fear. I got a letter, didn't really like its content, and said the Lord will provide the way to resolve the issue and went about my way. Woke up this morning and had an action plan to deal, one that regardless of the outcome makes me happy. And this was possible because I give my problems to the Lord and had no fear. How are you living a life without fear?

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8th Daily Reflection

Last night, I was doing some personal adminstrative work and when I was finished, I sat for awhile and just let the spirit of the Lord flow thru me. It was so peaceful and for the first time I could feel the spirit physically manifesting itself - I could feel it in my bones and muscles. It was a new and different feeling that felt good! Then I read today's devotion and it basically recommends the same. I sometimes smile wondering how the devotions so closely align with my life and then I remember it's because I have let the Lord take control and he is guiding and directing my life. How are you letting the Lord guide and direct your life?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion made me smile because whenever, I am feeling stressed or worried or sad, I stop and image being in the arms of the Lord and I keep that image until my faith has been restored then I ask the Lord for forgiveness of my sin - lack of trust. After I have had a moment, I pray to the Lord to provide the guidance needed to resolve the issue or send a person into my life who can. And I am happy to report 100% of the time the issue gets resolves much better than if I tried to resolve it myself! How are you letting the Lord guide your life?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6th Daily Reflection

Looking to the Lord to be filled with light! I read today's devotion and my heart laughed! It laughed because I was asked to mentor a person and I eagerly accepted the task, and as I was working with this person, I thought maybe this person might have a learning disability. However, I didn't have any proof and I really didn't care. I just wanted to get the person excited about the potential so we met, had successes, failures and continued to forge ahead. Then I figured out what my purpose in life is, it is to be a conduit of the Lord's love! And once I figured that out, my engagement with this person changed and the most beautiful thing happened, this person changed, the perception others had changed to an extremely positive light. What is so moving about this story is because I simply decided be the conduit of the Lord's love and letting the Lord channel thru me, the Lord was able to touch this person's life and this person is so much more confident for it that this person is reaching the potential that others had previously dismissed. I am moved to tears when I think of the glorous opportunity afforded me and the miracles the Lord works when we trust and believe in him. How are you being a conduit for the Lord's love?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5th Daily Reflection

I smile when I read today's devotion because we spend so much of our time evaluating whether things are right or wrong failing to remember that when we do this we are attempting to be God and determine what is perfect. However, since God is the only one who can determine what is right or wrong and perfect, life would be less frustrating if we view everything as perfect since within everything is the work of God! Image living a life where you give praise for everything - had an accident celebrate, failed a test celebrate, didn't get your desire celebrate. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate! How do you see perfection in the Lord's world?

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4th Daily Reflection

Before I started my love affair with the Lord, whenever, I encountered a problem, I would sigh before I started thinking about how to resolve it. However, now when I encounter a problem, I get excited and think how is the Lord going to use me as a conduit for his love to solve it! Today's devotion reminds us that we should be excited about all the problems in our lives because it is yet another excuse for us to draw nearer to the Lord, to seek him out and be close to him! It is exciting to think that things others find distressing is actually a blessing from the Lord. How do you embrace the blessings of the Lord via the problems in your life?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2nd Daily Reflection

Until about a year ago, I was very hesitatnt to proclaim I am a Christian because I didn't strickly adhere to the pageantry of the church, was judgmental of other Christians whom I didn't believe were Godly and concerned about how people would view me. And as such, my relationship with the Lord suffered and my quality of life suffered. Then my boss recommended some really moving books to read and as I devoured each of them, my pride in being a Christian grew that now I don't care who knows I am Christian! My relationship with the Lord grows stronger each day and my quality of life has not been better! The last bit of undercurrent of anger that created stress in my life has disappeared! I still get upset, however, it's a moment in time instead of for prolong periods. This is because I stopped being concerned about how others were being Christian, stopped beating myself up because I don't adhere to the pageantry of the church and simply focused on my relationship with the Lord! How are you growing your relationship with the Lord!

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1 st Daily Reflection

I have a very unique relationship with my brother. We can spend hours on the phone and then I don't hear from him for months. Last night I called him and demanded that he call me back which he did and we had the most beautiful conversation which we always do! We were talking about faith and fully trusting in the Lord, trusting in him such that you fahion your entire life around that faith and trust. And we were talking about how when we do that people around think we are crazy, however, it is the right thing to do! I have found numerous occassion where blind faith in the Lord regardless of what others are say to be extremely benefical and when my faith waivers that negative consequences happen, so much so that I have just had blind faith and simply said to others, I have faith, trust, and love in the Lord, I need no worldly things and since then life has been beyond belief! How is your faith in the Lord making your life beyond belief?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31st Daily Reflection

I woke up today and reflected upon the events of yesterday. Wondering if I could truly be at peace when some around me are going nuts, it is truly the peace of the Lord decending upon me or am I in denial. Then, I prayed and was still for a moment and I realized that I was indeed encircled with the peace and love of the Lord. That peace and love has made a better leader than any leadership book I have read. And it gives me faith that I can help others be at peace! Is being encircled by the peace and love of the Lord helping you?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30th Daily Reflection

Spending time with the Lord. At first when I heard this, I thought it meant I needed to spend an hour each morning with the Lord, however, as I have grown, I realize it means spending time whenever appropriate. And as such, I have been taking the hour and dispersing it thru the day. I find it especially helpful to spend time with the Lord when everything around me feels as if it is coming crashing in. I was feeling overwhelmed in a meeting and I took a minute to quite my mind, prayed to the Lord and that simple act allowed me to be a productive contributor of the meeting. Spending time with the Lord all day long keeps me grounded and reminded of who is in control. How doyou spend time with the Lord?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29th Daily Reflection

I read today's devotion with a smiling heart because the wonderfulness of the Lord is all around us and some of my most enjoyable days are those when I look for the Lord and his blessings in everything sometimes something as simple of missing the train, what a great blessing! Are you enjoying the blessings of the Lord?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 27th Daily Reflection

As I read today's devotion, my heart laughs because the days when I can feel as if I am in the Lord's arm, I have the most amazing days and those when I forget wait for him to encircle me, the wins are not very meaningful! I am living proof that having the Lord encircling you is only way to go thru life stressfress, joyous and giving thanks! How is the Lord encircling you?

Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 26th Daily Reflection

The beauty and glory of the Lord! I wanted to share an experience from last night that simply highlights the previous statement. I was once again out riding at critical mass when I got a call from a co-worker, that something was wrong with one of my applications so while riding I took the call and gave some suggestions to him. Later I would realize that my suggestions were not very helpful. Then a miraculous thing happened - one of my friends had a tire blow out! It required us to stop the ride and get it repaired by a good Samaritan, while her bike was being repaired, I was able to reconnect with my team and they found and resolved the issue! With the tire and application fixed, we created our own critical mass and then went out for drinks and dinner. How perfect an evening that the Lord gave us! That my friend, is the beauty and glory of the Lord, allowing us to experience heaven on earth.