Thursday, May 31, 2012
May 31st Daily Reflection
I woke up today and reflected upon the events of yesterday. Wondering if I could truly be at peace when some around me are going nuts, it is truly the peace of the Lord decending upon me or am I in denial. Then, I prayed and was still for a moment and I realized that I was indeed encircled with the peace and love of the Lord. That peace and love has made a better leader than any leadership book I have read. And it gives me faith that I can help others be at peace!
Is being encircled by the peace and love of the Lord helping you?
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
May 30th Daily Reflection
Spending time with the Lord. At first when I heard this, I thought it meant I needed to spend an hour each morning with the Lord, however, as I have grown, I realize it means spending time whenever appropriate. And as such, I have been taking the hour and dispersing it thru the day. I find it especially helpful to spend time with the Lord when everything around me feels as if it is coming crashing in. I was feeling overwhelmed in a meeting and I took a minute to quite my mind, prayed to the Lord and that simple act allowed me to be a productive contributor of the meeting. Spending time with the Lord all day long keeps me grounded and reminded of who is in control.
How doyou spend time with the Lord?
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
May 29th Daily Reflection
I read today's devotion with a smiling heart because the wonderfulness of the Lord is all around us and some of my most enjoyable days are those when I look for the Lord and his blessings in everything sometimes something as simple of missing the train, what a great blessing!
Are you enjoying the blessings of the Lord?
Sunday, May 27, 2012
May 27th Daily Reflection
As I read today's devotion, my heart laughs because the days when I can feel as if I am in the Lord's arm, I have the most amazing days and those when I forget wait for him to encircle me, the wins are not very meaningful! I am living proof that having the Lord encircling you is only way to go thru life stressfress, joyous and giving thanks!
How is the Lord encircling you?
Saturday, May 26, 2012
May 26th Daily Reflection
The beauty and glory of the Lord! I wanted to share an experience from last night that simply highlights the previous statement. I was once again out riding at critical mass when I got a call from a co-worker, that something was wrong with one of my applications so while riding I took the call and gave some suggestions to him. Later I would realize that my suggestions were not very helpful. Then a miraculous thing happened - one of my friends had a tire blow out! It required us to stop the ride and get it repaired by a good Samaritan, while her bike was being repaired, I was able to reconnect with my team and they found and resolved the issue! With the tire and application fixed, we created our own critical mass and then went out for drinks and dinner. How perfect an evening that the Lord gave us! That my friend, is the beauty and glory of the Lord, allowing us to experience heaven on earth.
Friday, May 25, 2012
May 25th Daily Reflection
Last year this time, when I read today's devotion, I struggled to understand it and put into practices. However, I didn't let my stuggles deter me, I turned it into a challenge and each day I tried to pray and be quite with the Lord until one day I could pray and be quite with the Lord! And since, when people talk about problems, all I see are opportunities, my stress has been turned into a positive stress, I am bouncing and when I experience negative energy, I quick recover. So this year as I read the devotion, my load is light, my spirits are high and my love for the Lord and the world is intense!
How is the Lord lightening your load?
Thursday, May 24, 2012
May 24th Daily Reflection
Bring your wondering mind and restless thoughts to the Lord. I smile and my heart laughs because I do that and the results is a constant peace regardless of what is happening around me. Not that I am saying that everyday is wonderful or I have zero problems, what I am saying is that when negative energy creeps into my life, I can stop and it is flow thru me by praying and being in communication with the Lord. This means the negative energy doesn't remain within me, instead it comes in and goes out. The speed at which it comes in and goes out is deteremine by how quickly I can realize it and start my communication with the Lord. Communicating with the Lord has had such a tremendously positive impact on my life!
How is being in communications had a great impact on your life?
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
May 23rd Daily Reflection
I am reading a book about reaching my full potential and it makes me smile because most of the advice is the same as the advice of walking close to the Lord, knowing that when you try and be a judge, you fail because only the Lord is judge. As I read today's devotion, I smile because I got a text that was upsetting at first because I was in full judgment mode and not humble, then I stopped for a moment and let myself be upset and then I asked myself why am I being upset since the text caused me to remember that by God's grace, I should be smiling instead of being upset. As such, my happiness level returned to glow level. I was once again reconnected to what is important! The Lord.
Monday, May 21, 2012
May 21st Daily Reflection
As I was bouncing along this past weekend, getting stuff done, making my schedule work, I noticed one thing was remarkably absent - anxiety! I was not anxious even when I wasn't sure I could pull everything off. And the funny thing is that everything went according to plan and worked out perfectly! This past weekend, I got to once again experience a piece of heaven on earth because I was focused on the Lord. As my love affair with the Lord strenghtens, my ability to be in the moment and trust his grows.
About 3 months ago, I put together a new approach to life - plan because I have faith, pray because I trust the Lord and give thanks - good or bad because everything is God's will! I have given thanks for things that in the past I would complained about and because I was in a space of rejoicing, I was able to see the beauty in the bad!
Thanks you Lord for giving me such an incredibly wonderful life!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
May 19th Daily Reflection
Today's devotion is great! Have your plans, however, know that they will only be successful if it is God's will. That knowledge should keep you safe and secure in the event thing do not work out as plan. For some people this might mean not planning and for some this means being bold with all their plans because they know the Lord is in control!
How are you planning your day?
Friday, May 18, 2012
May 18th Daily Reflection
It has been ten days since I last posted and while I have not posted, I have been reading my devotion and living it. I have been trusting the Lord, giving all problems, plans and concerns up to him, spending time being close to him, reflecting, being a conduit for his love, and confessing as soon as I have committed a sin. The result has been achieving heaven on earth! The closeness I feel to the Lord has given me a sense of confidence that even when I am marching to a different drum beat, I do not waiver! My heart has gone from smiling to laughing, and my glow is helping to bright the area of the world I reside. What a glorious feeling to be able to experience the Lord in a manner that you don't care about the naysayers!
How are you living the Lord?
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
May 8th Daily Reflection
Problem avoidance - I smiled when I read today's devotion because whenever I am in problem avoidance mode, I create more problems. However, if I get excited about the problems, the Lord guidance is front and center and I am able to resolve them without much effort. The devotion is so on point! Spend your time getting excited about problems so that you are closer to the Lord, another way to achieve Heaven on Earth!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
May 2nd Daily Reflection
And the smiling continues, issues keep coming my way and the Lord keeps providing me with the strength to resolve them or sends awesome people to provide the resolutions. And as he keeps doing this my friend garden grows brighter and more beautiful! As today's devotion mentions, the more issues the better because it brings me closer to the Lord, providing an avenue to increase my closeness with him! Staying close to the Lord, what a wonderful feeling.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
May 1st Daily Reflection
I am smiling, smiling from my heart because as I was doing my morning reflection, I realized that for the past two months, I have not felt anxious and this aligns with my decision to offer all preceived issues up to the Lord and ask him for guidance on solving them. I became completely dependent on the Lord and because of it, my life is the best it has ever been! Today's devotion is a good reminder to rejoice over the path the Lord has choosen for me!
How is your life impacted by giving up your issues to the Lord?
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