It is as if today's devotion is a reflection on the previous day. It seems that when I read the devotion, I think that's how yesterday went! As I walk closer with the Lord, I get to see his wonderful work and I can give praise. Yesterday was a beautiful example of his glorious work. I was able to work with some of the best minds in Miami, interact with some of the most inspirational people in town and see the Lord work small miracles throughout the day. At the end of the day, I thanked the Lord for giving me such an incredible opportunity and gift.
How are you experiencing the wonderfulness of the Lord?
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
December 29th Daily Reflection
Yesterday was a true test of my faith and while I faltered a little, I was able to rise to the occassion! I am excited because while faltering I realized that I didn't loss faith and my actions after faltering was from a position of faith. How did I falter and recover? I got a call that my mom's car won't start and I instantly got upset because I have been asking her since the beginning of the month to take it to the mechanic and if her car dies, we will be carless. Then I calmed down and thought about life carless, what would it mean? It would mean I would have to walk, ride and use public transportation. So would that be a big deal? Not really since all my important activities I can get to either by walking, riding or using public transportation. Then I tried something really cool, what if I had to walk to work? Could I do it? So I walked home from work, stopping to get the oil needed for the car, and was able to do it in 1 hr and 20 mins. So I can get to work on foot - great, I can ride to the Habitat volunteer site - that takes an hr, and all other things of interested are in my neighborhood. So I realized that not having a car would only make me exercise more, what's the big deal? Because I trusted in the Lord, I was able to see the coolness of not having a car.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
December 28th Daily Reflection
I read today's devotion with a sense of calm, a calmness that has eluded me for most of my life. It's a calmness because I know that whatever happens to me will be glorious because the Lord made it so. It's a calmness that allows me not to get caught up in the madness of the world but see the opportunities and possibilities when everyone around me are seeing problems. It's a calmness that gives me confidence to try and humbly accept defeat if I don't succeed, it's a calmness that allows me to see things from different perspective, and it's a calmness that allows me to squeeze the Lord's hands despite what is happening around me.
How is being with the Lord creating calmness in your life?
How is being with the Lord creating calmness in your life?
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
December 27th Daily Reflection
I enjoyed today's devotion because it reminds me of the importance of taking time and not being busy. I spent the day yesterday, reading, reflecting and sleeping - pretty lazy day by most standards and even more lazy given I had stuff I could have done. However, at the end of the day, I was more energized than if I had spent the day getting things done. For the first time, I didn't feel guilty about not doing stuff and then today's devotion talks about being with the Lord, spending time to be quiet and not being too caught up with doing things. And I agree, by not being busy, I am more centered to be a better contributor to the world and deal with the adversaries that are sure to come my way.
Spending time with the Lord, what a spiritually renewing activity!
Spending time with the Lord, what a spiritually renewing activity!
Monday, December 26, 2011
December 26th Daily Reflection
Today's devotion is awesome! It talks about the gift that continuously gives - bounteously, with no strings attached! Over the years, I have had numerous such gifts and in some cases, I was not as appreciative of those gifts as I should. However, over the past 6 months, I have been diligently focusing on these gifts and this Christmas season, I had so many gifts, I could barely keep up. I realized the wonderful glorious friends who surround me on a daily basis, who are conduit for the Lord's love, and because of the realization, I have been able see the unseen - God's good grace in action all the time. This Christmas season, I give thanks for the gift of friendship, partnership, and the wonderfulness of the Lord.
How are you enjoying your gifts of the season?
How are you enjoying your gifts of the season?
Saturday, December 24, 2011
December 24th Daily Reflection
For 2 1/2 years, I have worked diligently to get closer to the Lord and not let anything distraction me from my relationship with him. It was a struggle to get to closer to the Lord, life on earth makes is easy to go astray. However, as I struggled, I had a number of incredible people surrounding me, inspiring me and keeping me going. Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that as life has tempted me go go astray, I have been able to ignore those temptations and stick close to the Lord. As problems pour in, they quickly turn to opportunities which allowed me to see/experience the glory of the Lord. I have seen seemingly impossible problems turn into wonderful opportunities - this Christmas, the Lord has provided me with so many wonderful gifts, material gifts are unnecessary. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, I am preparing my heart and soul to continue receive the wonderful gifts of the Lord.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
December 22nd Daily Reflection
I smile as I read today's devotion because it caused me to do some self reflection. I saw an opportunity to be better at the office, presented a new way of operating and was excited to see that some of my recommendations were implemented. The interesting thing is that in the past, I would have gotten caught up in the fact that all my ideas were not implemented. However, since starting my journey of being close to the Lord, without any self coaching, I instantly saw the beauty of the solution and how it is going to help the team grow! I thought wow, how much better life is because I am by default focusing on the beauty of each situation. The final decision was even more powerful than what I could have imaged and is a reminder of the greatness of working in a team, realizing that it's not about me but about the entire team succeeding. I am so excited about this new direction that my mind keeps spinning on all of the really awesome things we can do.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
December 21st Daily Reflection
As each day passes, my faith in the Lord grows and I can see the glorious wonders of the world that I was not able to see before. Now when I am faced with a challenge, the resolution comes so mich quicker because I go directly to the Lord instead of bemoaning the trials or trying to solve the problem myself. By going to the Lord, I can spend less time resisting the problem and more time enjoying the resolution and being with the Lord! As my faith grows, I see the wonderfulness of the Lord!
Do you see the wonderfulness of the Lord even in times of adversaries?
Do you see the wonderfulness of the Lord even in times of adversaries?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
December 20th Daily Reflection
We sometimes get caught up in all the great things we can do as humans and in the process loss sight of the greatness of Jesus and that even though he could have been used his powers for greatness , he didn't. That is a timely reminder in this season as we hurry around doing things that may only be symbolic. Remember that being humble is the best course of action and brings us closer to the Lord!
Monday, December 19, 2011
December 19th Daily Reflection
The home stretch for Christmas is upon us and everyone is driving themselves crazy getting ready for it. However, as I listen to people talk about all they have to do, rarely do I hear them talk about going to church, stopping to give back or pray and being quite with the Lord. This week is a time to go slower, reduce our workload, spend as much time with the Lord giving thanks that he gave us his son so that our sins would be forgiven.
How are you going slower this week?
How are you going slower this week?
Sunday, December 18, 2011
December 18th Daily Reflection
I love today's devotion because it is about being grateful for the problems on your life! I got a book, A thousand gifts, for my birthday and at first I was unsure about it however, as I read it, I rsalized how powerful the book was! And as I started to live the values in the book, I started to realize that I have renewed energy and problems are now viewed as blessings. Because of this new view, anxiety is gone from my life, dissapointment is viewed as a gift and I am able to make great strides in my life. I have been closer than I have ever been to the Lord. This new approach to life, makes life so much more fulfilling.
Friday, December 16, 2011
December 16th Daily Reflection
Walking with the Lord makes all things possible! Yesterday, was a crazy day and normally on crazy day, I end it feeling down or depressed, however, I noticed that as I was going thru the day, I kept focusing on my conversation with the Lord, and letting myself be a conduit of his spirit and love and at the end of the day, a got a call from a friend and she asked how I was doing and I said excellent without skipping a beat! I was doing excellent because I had spent the day with the Lord. This new way of being is so wonderful and glorious!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
December 15th Daily Reflection
HOPE! It's a word that inspires some while causing great concern in others. There are numerous thoughts on what hope really means. I believe all meanings are valid, however, the most profound definition of hope to me is that hope is a symbol of great faith! We hope for things - material and immaterial - and we go to the Lord in pray to make them a reality and because the Lord responses in him own time, we must wait and it is during this period of waiting that hope is displayed. If we have great hope, the wait is a wonderous time and we spend it strenghten our relationship with the Lord! Hope the best way to demonstrate our faith, at least that is my humble opinion.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
December 14th Daily Reflection
Today is my 100th blog. I can't believe that I am at 100 blogs given I was resistant about blogging, however, since I started blogging, the peace and joy I have enjoyed walking with the Lord, I wonder why I was resisting. Being with the Lord, listening to his guidance, accepting mistakes, getting excited about set backs, and being joyous when dreams come thru - the best feeling ever!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
December 13th Daily Reflection
Today's devotion is a timely reminder to take time to be holy and being holy in a manner that the Lord expects! Most times we spend trying to be holy by doing things, however, truly being holy is being quite so that the Lord can speak to you and you can receive his message clearly. Of course, in the 21 st century, sitting and being quite is a very difficult if not impossible thing to do! And that is why taking time to be with the Lord is considered so holy.
Trust you will find time, even if it is 2 mins, to spend with the Lord this week.
Trust you will find time, even if it is 2 mins, to spend with the Lord this week.
Monday, December 12, 2011
December 12th Daily Reflection
Yesterday, I was reviewing some forecasting that I had previously done and realized that I had made a mistake and that I can't do what I thought! Wow this is not good, how am I going to fix it, I thought. And for the first time, instead of freaking out, I said to myself - it's not for me to fix by myself, continue working the plan and the Lord will provide a solution. The Lord will provide a solution! I continued my day at peace that with the Lord by my side, everything is possible and even when I can't see the solution a solution exists. Some people would say I am being irresponsible but I say, that is the greatest demonstration of faith - realizing that a problem is about to happen and forging ahead knowing the Lord will help with the resolution!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
December 11th Daily Reflection
The previous devotions talk about taking your problems to the Lord and that is really important in a world where we are taught to be self-sufficent in problem solving. Today's devotion talks about our dreams and how taking them to the Lord does guarantee instantenous granting but an other opportunity to demonstrate our faith in him as they will be granted at the most appropriate time! Knowing that the Lord is there for us allows for big dreams because we know that he will eventually assist with making them come thru.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
December 10th Daily Reflection
Growing up, I was convinced that when I became an adult all my problems would be solved, then when I became an adult, I thought that once I started to make money, all my problems would be solved. So now that a gainfully employed adult, I still have tons of problems or at least that is what I told myself. However, what I use to call problems are simply opportunities to be a conduit of the Lord, for me to go to the Lord in pray & need and to truly experience the love of the Lord thru humility. Experiencing the world as a wonderful palce filled with the Lord's love!
Friday, December 9, 2011
December 9th Daily Reflection
I have a personal project that is at high risk to fail and a few friends have been pressuring me to stop it, however, I keep telling them the Lord will provide an appropriate outcome and if it means failure then that is fine. As I am continuing the project there have been times that it has been really scary and I had to stop myself from lossing faith. Today's devotion is much needed because it reminds me that risk free living is for the non-believers! I am now even more inspired that forging ahead is the thing to do. Holding the hand of the Lord, everything is possible.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
December 8th Daily Reflection
When I was younger, I spent most of my time trying to fix the emptiness I sometimes felt with earthly things - making more money, partying, fulling up my schedule but none of them worked. Then I hit a wall and decided to try a new method, praying and talking to God. Not for him to save but to tell him that I believe that these feelings will pass when he deem appropriate and that I am no longer feeling sad and depressed when the feeling of emptiness comes, instead I am feeling a sense of hope because I know great things are around the corner. At first, it was very hard to keep up the positive but I did and now when a feeling of emptiness comes over me, I rejoice for it means something wonderful and glories is about to happen in my life. Today's devotion re-enforces this position and gives me even more hope that focusing on the Lord is the way to fulfillment.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
December 7th Daily Reflection
Life sometimes feels like a roller coaster - we are up and everything is possible or we are down and nothing is possible. It's frustrating to be on the roller coaster and I always try to figure out how I can get off and have a somewhat smooth ride. Today's devotion gives me hope that I can move from a roller coaster ride to a smooth ride by focusing on the Lord no matter the situation. Of course, this is more difficult to do however, I am inspired that a solution might be found!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
December 6th Daily Reflection
I use to watch people who appeared deeply religious - went to church mutliple times per week, went to bible study, tithe and said they prayed daily be the most judgemental and unforgiving when someone did something wrong and I use to think wow, I don't want to be a Christian because I think that is not the way to be. It took me awhile to come to terms that I can be a Christian and not be like that. Today's devotion clearly states how someone can claim to be a Christian but not act in a Christian manner - doing everything for show from the head instead of the heart will create such a person. However, to truly be a Christian means daily renewal of your relationship with the Lord in ways that might not be consistent - sometimes it is praying, other times reflecting while other times simply doing, however, always with the motivation coming from the heart not the head.
Monday, December 5, 2011
December 5th Daily Reflection
My mom has a saying - "Lord have mercy" whenever things get really rough and as a child I use to laugh whenever she said it because it sounded so funny. However, as I became an adult, I started to realize what it meant and sometimes would silently think it. After today's devotion, I realize that this was her way of getting closer to the Lord and letting the Lord's luminous veil of light hover over her when to her everything appeared hopeless. Letting the Lord shine in moments of despair and hopelessness is when you are able to see his beauty and power.
Are you letting the Lord shine in moments of despair and hopelessness?
Are you letting the Lord shine in moments of despair and hopelessness?
Sunday, December 4, 2011
December 4th Daily Reflection
As a read today's devotion, I smile because as much as I try to be Godly, things happen which causes me to loss my patience and lash out sometimes being mean when I should be compassionate. However, the devotion reminds me that regardless of how much I try, I will never be completely Godly and thus should forgive myself for lashing out and use it as an opportunity to go to the Lord forgiveness.
Friday, December 2, 2011
December 2nd Daily Reflection
I suffered what most people would consider a huge lost this week and as I am working thru the losss, I am realizing something. When I am truly honest with myself, something that is sometimes hard because of societal pressures, I am happy and glad for my loss - I thought I would be weepy and sad but I am energized and excited. I have a few moments of anger but those stem from my ego being bruised rather than from the actual loss. Today's devotion talks about being at peace and since that lost, I have been at peace because I realize that all thru it I have been close to the Lord and he have been providing the support that I couldn't get from anyone else.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
December 1st Daily Reflection
I use to think that not thinking about a problem or not trying to solve it was being neglectful, however, after reading today's devotion, I realize that it is the way to handle problems - not trying to solve them but rather going to the Lord to solve them. Using them as another excuse to spend time with him renewing the bound of love. I am realizing that most of the traditional ways of doing things actually takes us further away from the Lord and dimishes his love. Wow powerful realization that will be helpful going forward.
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