Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26th Daily Reflection

Having a love affair with the Lord viewing him as a best friend with whom you can share everything with - great joyous moments and painful moments - all of which he will provide support and encouragement. Your anchor and shelter in times of need and triumph.

having a best friend in the Lord - what a wonderful thing!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25th Daily Reflection

We spend our time trying to look good in front of others, being concern about what others will think of us and as such we are guarded with what we share with others which can weight us down and block us from moving forward. However, it is refreshing to be reminded that we do have a place to share all our thoughts, fears, concerns, joys in our lives - that's the Lord. We can go to the Lord with anything and he will listen and respond as appropriate.

Spending time with the Lord!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24th Daily Reflection

I use to think that if I am not doing something I am somehow sinning and not maximizing the great gifts of the Lord. However, now I know that without rest, reflection, renewing, my works are for naught because I am not doing my best. I now look forward to the days when I can simply sit and rest, reflect and renew and I have found those days the most fulfilling. Overcoming peer pressure and resting is difficult, however, focusing on the Lord makes overcoming these peer pressure much easier.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 21st & 22nd Daily Reflection

I am re-reading today's devotion because I have started to revisit it when I feel as if my intentions have been thwarted. Yesterday and today have been blessings from the Lord and I appreciate the challenges that are thrown in my way, however, on the way to being appreciative, I sometimes become resentful and whine. These two days' devotion reminds me that the closer I get to the Lord, the less I stop at the pit stop of resent and whine and start fast tracking to appreciation especially when things get difficult. Avoiding or at a minimum short stops at the pit stop of resent & whine.

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21st Daily Reflection

We spend so much of our time making plans and doing everything to ensure that those plans are kept on track and is completed without stopping to evaluate why things come up to thwart our plans. However, if we made our plans and then looked to the Lord for guidance and direction, when our plans are thwarted, we would feel less sense of loss and more eager to embrace the changes bring to our lives. It is so easy to talk about how wonderful it would be to unconsciously look to the Lord for direction on our plans, however, it so difficult to actually do this.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 19th & 20th Daily Reflection

October 19th

Our society is so concerned about looking good that there is hardly a place where one can go and be themselves - fully open and vulnerable, however, it is comforting to know that going to the Lord, one can be completely open and vulnerable. Quite communication with him restores our soul and renews our faith in him and humanity.

October 20th
Living close to the Lord not only provides a safe place, it allows your soul to grow young while your body is growing old - a great state to be in as we go thru this world. Our young soul keeps us excited about being the conduit of the Lord's love and makes it easier to do the Lord's work.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18th Daily Reflection

Keeping my eyes only on the Lord as I go thru the day - evaluating and asking what would the Lord do, how would he handle this situation, is he smiling on my actions? Using these questions helps keep my moral compass pointed due north and has stopped me from actions that would have caused harm to others even as they would bring gains to me. Working thru things trusting that the end result is what the Lord desires. It difficult, however, once I am consistently in this state, it does make life easier.

I never thought my greatest struggle would be staying close to the Lord!

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17th Daily Reflection

I woke up this morning and went thru the mini  projects I am working on and thought - wow, I am not feeling anxious about these things even though some of them, I would prefer not to have to do. Normally, I would be anxious about mini projects I don't want to do then I read today's devotion and it gave me the answer to my lack of anxiety - I have been putting all my worries in the hands of the Lord and he has been walking closely by my side and keeping me calm and safe. This knowledge that my faith in the Lord provides such calm makes for an excitement to take on the day!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Oct 14th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion talks about suffering for the Lord and that pain and problems are an opportunity to demonstrate our trust in the Lord. I totally agree that this is 100% true. However, I don't think of pain and problems as suffering but rather as something wonderful that makes me grow and strengthens my trust and faith in the Lord. I have a few issues I am currently working thru and there is a little bit of excitement each day to see how things will progress or regress because I know that I am going to learn something new about the world, myself and the Lord.

Changing our thought process to see pain and problems as wonderful instead of suffering - an amazing way to be.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13th Daily Reflection

I have been struggling with a relationship for a very long time and I went to the Lord and asked for his guidance however the relationship continued to deteriorate and I thought, I can give up hope or I can keep the faith that the Lord will provide the guidance for me to restore the relationship to its greatness. Last night, I was convinced that all hope was lost and I thanked the Lord for the opportunity to experience the relationship and something interesting happened - I went to the person's house to end the relationship on a positive note. That encounter resulting in the relationship being restored instead of ending. As I read today's devotion, I can look to last night and see that unwavering faith will deliver you thru. I trust you are going to the Lord and having faith that the guidance you need will come at the appropriate time.

Peace be with you living in the love of the Lord.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12th Daily Reflection

Living in a world where image and perception make up the foundation of why we do things is directly opposed to today's devotion that encourages us not be concerned about what others think of us. However, for us to truly walk with the Lord, we need to stop focusing on what others think of us and only focus on what the Lord think of us. This is another test of our faith and helps us to attain a level of joy that we wouldn't otherwise attain.

Focusing only the Lord's perception of us - an awesome space to be!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 11th Daily Reflection

The Lord is the culmination of all our hopes and desires - a great reminder. It is as if each day these devotions are written with me in mind. Of course, I understand that they are not and know that most others are struggling as I am to be a child of God, continuously joyous in the love affair with the Lord. Understanding that the Lord is determines everything makes planning and executing less stressful because all I need to do is my absolute best and the Lord will take care of the rest. The Lord, the culmination of all our hopes and desires - a peaceful thought to start the day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10th Daily Reflection

I woke up this morning with a slightly different feeling and was wondering what was it, then I read today's devotion and realize it was the presence of the Lord holding me. I followed yesterday's devotion of not complaining when things don't go my way so that when I got news that would cause others to curse, I processed the news and saw the great potential it has. So I made plans around the wonderfulness of the news and then when I couldn't figure out how things would work, I simply said the Lord will provide me the necessary guidance. Today's devotion is a reminder to fully trust the Lord and know he will provide the guidance needed.

This new feeling is a bit strange however, I am excited to getting use to it!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is a letter from the Lord addressed personally to me! I have kept my faith, been loving, constantly reassessed my journey to ensure I am staying close to the Lord. However, I find that I complain and whine for some of the smallest things and these complaints blocks the flow of the Lord's love thru me. I am no longer a conduit for his love and I stifle my faith in the process. I now know that my complaints should only fall on the Lord's ears and no one else. An important reminder as I walk thru the valley of darkness these days.

what a jolt of awareness!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 6th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is awesome and so needed given so of the challenges I am currently facing. Giving up all my worries to the Lord and being at peace that I can't resolve any of the challenges I am currently facing, only the Lord can resolve them and being joyous and thankful for any outcome because it's the outcome that should be.

going off peaceful knowing the Lord is loves me.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oct 6th Daily Reflection

Following the Lord by faith not by sight - is an interesting directive since if we truly follow the Lord by faith, our sight becomes clearer and our ability to see things improves. However, to gain sight we must first lose it and focus on our faith and blindly following the Lord. This of course doesn't mean literally stop seeing instead it means letting the Lord bring sight to you by seeing the world thru faith and his love. Looking at every situation from the position of faith and seeing the Lord's love in it. Every situation and that is why we struggle with sight because we can easily see the Lord's love when everything is wonderful, however, it is so difficult when things are not wonderful.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 5th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion makes me smile because I have experienced it first hand! Being obsessed with advancing, getting recognition because I felt it would bring me joy only to find that the joy was so fleeting. However, since my focus has turned unto the Lord, the joy I feel is continuous and that joy has propelled me to accomplish more than before with some life altering experiences. Interesting how once I stopped focusing on attaining joy I actual got it. Putting all my focus on the Lord has let me to a fulfilled life even things doesn't go my way, they go the Lord's way.

how are you experiencing joy?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4th Daily Reflection

As I get comfortable with my love affair with the Lord, it is refreshing to know that his love extends to helping me live, helping me solve my problems, helping me stay on the path and helping me be loving to others. I have become so much less stressed because I no longer have to go it along - the Lord is constantly there to help.

are you walking close to the Lord to help you?

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3rd Daily Reflection

This weekend's reflections were awesome - reminder to continue our love affair with the Lord and reminder that the Lord is always with us which feeds into today's reflection of reminder not to complain. I find that I sometimes complain even when I promised myself not to complain and as soon as I start complaining things start going wrong. Then I catch myself and stop complaining and I always realize that my complaint was based on incomplete facts. Not complaining means constant being in a place of continuous gratitude for everything. Being grateful even when things are not going our way.