Friday, December 30, 2011

December 30th Daily Reflection

It is as if today's devotion is a reflection on the previous day. It seems that when I read the devotion, I think that's how yesterday went! As I walk closer with the Lord, I get to see his wonderful work and I can give praise. Yesterday was a beautiful example of his glorious work. I was able to work with some of the best minds in Miami, interact with some of the most inspirational people in town and see the Lord work small miracles throughout the day. At the end of the day, I thanked the Lord for giving me such an incredible opportunity and gift.

How are you experiencing the wonderfulness of the Lord?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

December 29th Daily Reflection

Yesterday was a true test of my faith and while I faltered a little, I was able to rise to the occassion! I am excited because while faltering I realized that I didn't loss faith and my actions after faltering was from a position of faith. How did I falter and recover? I got a call that my mom's car won't start and I instantly got upset because I have been asking her since the beginning of the month to take it to the mechanic and if her car dies, we will be carless. Then I calmed down and thought about life carless, what would it mean? It would mean I would have to walk, ride and use public transportation. So would that be a big deal? Not really since all my important activities I can get to either by walking, riding or using public transportation. Then I tried something really cool, what if I had to walk to work? Could I do it? So I walked home from work, stopping to get the oil needed for the car, and was able to do it in 1 hr and 20 mins. So I can get to work on foot - great, I can ride to the Habitat volunteer site - that takes an hr, and all other things of interested are in my neighborhood. So I realized that not having a car would only make me exercise more, what's the big deal? Because I trusted in the Lord, I was able to see the coolness of not having a car.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 28th Daily Reflection

I read today's devotion with a sense of calm, a calmness that has eluded me for most of my life. It's a calmness because I know that whatever happens to me will be glorious because the Lord made it so. It's a calmness that allows me not to get caught up in the madness of the world but see the opportunities and possibilities when everyone around me are seeing problems. It's a calmness that gives me confidence to try and humbly accept defeat if I don't succeed, it's a calmness that allows me to see things from different perspective, and it's a calmness that allows me to squeeze the Lord's hands despite what is happening around me.

How is being with the Lord creating calmness in your life?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27th Daily Reflection

I enjoyed today's devotion because it reminds me of the importance of taking time and not being busy. I spent the day yesterday, reading, reflecting and sleeping - pretty lazy day by most standards and even more lazy given I had stuff I could have done. However, at the end of the day, I was more energized than if I had spent the day getting things done. For the first time, I didn't feel guilty about not doing stuff and then today's devotion talks about being with the Lord, spending time to be quiet and not being too caught up with doing things. And I agree, by not being busy, I am more centered to be a better contributor to the world and deal with the adversaries that are sure to come my way.

Spending time with the Lord, what a spiritually renewing activity!

Monday, December 26, 2011

December 26th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is awesome! It talks about the gift that continuously gives - bounteously, with no strings attached! Over the years, I have had numerous such gifts and in some cases, I was not as appreciative of those gifts as I should. However, over the past 6 months, I have been diligently focusing on these gifts and this Christmas season, I had so many gifts, I could barely keep up. I realized the wonderful glorious friends who surround me on a daily basis, who are conduit for the Lord's love, and because of the realization, I have been able see the unseen - God's good grace in action all the time. This Christmas season, I give thanks for the gift of friendship, partnership, and the wonderfulness of the Lord.

How are you enjoying your gifts of the season?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 24th Daily Reflection

For 2 1/2 years, I have worked diligently to get closer to the Lord and not let anything distraction me from my relationship with him. It was a struggle to get to closer to the Lord, life on earth makes is easy to go astray. However, as I struggled, I had a number of incredible people surrounding me, inspiring me and keeping me going. Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that as life has tempted me go go astray, I have been able to ignore those temptations and stick close to the Lord. As problems pour in, they quickly turn to opportunities which allowed me to see/experience the glory of the Lord. I have seen seemingly impossible problems turn into wonderful opportunities - this Christmas, the Lord has provided me with so many wonderful gifts, material gifts are unnecessary. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, I am preparing my heart and soul to continue receive the wonderful gifts of the Lord.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 22nd Daily Reflection

I smile as I read today's devotion because it caused me to do some self reflection. I saw an opportunity to be better at the office, presented a new way of operating and was excited to see that some of my recommendations were implemented. The interesting thing is that in the past, I would have gotten caught up in the fact that all my ideas were not implemented. However, since starting my journey of being close to the Lord, without any self coaching, I instantly saw the beauty of the solution and how it is going to help the team grow! I thought wow, how much better life is because I am by default focusing on the beauty of each situation. The final decision was even more powerful than what I could have imaged and is a reminder of the greatness of working in a team, realizing that it's not about me but about the entire team succeeding. I am so excited about this new direction that my mind keeps spinning on all of the really awesome things we can do.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 21st Daily Reflection

As each day passes, my faith in the Lord grows and I can see the glorious wonders of the world that I was not able to see before. Now when I am faced with a challenge, the resolution comes so mich quicker because I go directly to the Lord instead of bemoaning the trials or trying to solve the problem myself. By going to the Lord, I can spend less time resisting the problem and more time enjoying the resolution and being with the Lord! As my faith grows, I see the wonderfulness of the Lord!

Do you see the wonderfulness of the Lord even in times of adversaries?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December 20th Daily Reflection

We sometimes get caught up in all the great things we can do as humans and in the process loss sight of the greatness of Jesus and that even though he could have been used his powers for greatness , he didn't. That is a timely reminder in this season as we hurry around doing things that may only be symbolic. Remember that being humble is the best course of action and brings us closer to the Lord!

Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19th Daily Reflection

The home stretch for Christmas is upon us and everyone is driving themselves crazy getting ready for it. However, as I listen to people talk about all they have to do, rarely do I hear them talk about going to church, stopping to give back or pray and being quite with the Lord. This week is a time to go slower, reduce our workload, spend as much time with the Lord giving thanks that he gave us his son so that our sins would be forgiven.

How are you going slower this week?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 18th Daily Reflection

I love today's devotion because it is about being grateful for the problems on your life! I got a book, A thousand gifts, for my birthday and at first I was unsure about it however, as I read it, I rsalized how powerful the book was! And as I started to live the values in the book, I started to realize that I have renewed energy and problems are now viewed as blessings. Because of this new view, anxiety is gone from my life, dissapointment is viewed as a gift and I am able to make great strides in my life. I have been closer than I have ever been to the Lord. This new approach to life, makes life so much more fulfilling.

Friday, December 16, 2011

December 16th Daily Reflection

Walking with the Lord makes all things possible! Yesterday, was a crazy day and normally on crazy day, I end it feeling down or depressed, however, I noticed that as I was going thru the day, I kept focusing on my conversation with the Lord, and letting myself be a conduit of his spirit and love and at the end of the day, a got a call from a friend and she asked how I was doing and I said excellent without skipping a beat! I was doing excellent because I had spent the day with the Lord. This new way of being is so wonderful and glorious!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 15th Daily Reflection

HOPE! It's a word that inspires some while causing great concern in others. There are numerous thoughts on what hope really means. I believe all meanings are valid, however, the most profound definition of hope to me is that hope is a symbol of great faith! We hope for things - material and immaterial - and we go to the Lord in pray to make them a reality and because the Lord responses in him own time, we must wait and it is during this period of waiting that hope is displayed. If we have great hope, the wait is a wonderous time and we spend it strenghten our relationship with the Lord! Hope the best way to demonstrate our faith, at least that is my humble opinion.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14th Daily Reflection

Today is my 100th blog. I can't believe that I am at 100 blogs given I was resistant about blogging, however, since I started blogging, the peace and joy I have enjoyed walking with the Lord, I wonder why I was resisting. Being with the Lord, listening to his guidance, accepting mistakes, getting excited about set backs, and being joyous when dreams come thru - the best feeling ever!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 13th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is a timely reminder to take time to be holy and being holy in a manner that the Lord expects! Most times we spend trying to be holy by doing things, however, truly being holy is being quite so that the Lord can speak to you and you can receive his message clearly. Of course, in the 21 st century, sitting and being quite is a very difficult if not impossible thing to do! And that is why taking time to be with the Lord is considered so holy.

Trust you will find time, even if it is 2 mins, to spend with the Lord this week.

Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12th Daily Reflection

Yesterday, I was reviewing some forecasting that I had previously done and realized that I had made a mistake and that I can't do what I thought! Wow this is not good, how am I going to fix it, I thought. And for the first time, instead of freaking out, I said to myself - it's not for me to fix by myself, continue working the plan and the Lord will provide a solution. The Lord will provide a solution! I continued my day at peace that with the Lord by my side, everything is possible and even when I can't see the solution a solution exists. Some people would say I am being irresponsible but I say, that is the greatest demonstration of faith - realizing that a problem is about to happen and forging ahead knowing the Lord will help with the resolution!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11th Daily Reflection

The previous devotions talk about taking your problems to the Lord and that is really important in a world where we are taught to be self-sufficent in problem solving. Today's devotion talks about our dreams and how taking them to the Lord does guarantee instantenous granting but an other opportunity to demonstrate our faith in him as they will be granted at the most appropriate time! Knowing that the Lord is there for us allows for big dreams because we know that he will eventually assist with making them come thru.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

December 10th Daily Reflection

Growing up, I was convinced that when I became an adult all my problems would be solved, then when I became an adult, I thought that once I started to make money, all my problems would be solved. So now that a gainfully employed adult, I still have tons of problems or at least that is what I told myself. However, what I use to call problems are simply opportunities to be a conduit of the Lord, for me to go to the Lord in pray & need and to truly experience the love of the Lord thru humility. Experiencing the world as a wonderful palce filled with the Lord's love!

Friday, December 9, 2011

December 9th Daily Reflection

I have a personal project that is at high risk to fail and a few friends have been pressuring me to stop it, however, I keep telling them the Lord will provide an appropriate outcome and if it means failure then that is fine. As I am continuing the project there have been times that it has been really scary and I had to stop myself from lossing faith. Today's devotion is much needed because it reminds me that risk free living is for the non-believers! I am now even more inspired that forging ahead is the thing to do. Holding the hand of the Lord, everything is possible.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 8th Daily Reflection

When I was younger, I spent most of my time trying to fix the emptiness I sometimes felt with earthly things - making more money, partying, fulling up my schedule but none of them worked. Then I hit a wall and decided to try a new method, praying and talking to God. Not for him to save but to tell him that I believe that these feelings will pass when he deem appropriate and that I am no longer feeling sad and depressed when the feeling of emptiness comes, instead I am feeling a sense of hope because I know great things are around the corner. At first, it was very hard to keep up the positive but I did and now when a feeling of emptiness comes over me, I rejoice for it means something wonderful and glories is about to happen in my life. Today's devotion re-enforces this position and gives me even more hope that focusing on the Lord is the way to fulfillment.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7th Daily Reflection

Life sometimes feels like a roller coaster - we are up and everything is possible or we are down and nothing is possible. It's frustrating to be on the roller coaster and I always try to figure out how I can get off and have a somewhat smooth ride. Today's devotion gives me hope that I can move from a roller coaster ride to a smooth ride by focusing on the Lord no matter the situation. Of course, this is more difficult to do however, I am inspired that a solution might be found!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 6th Daily Reflection

I use to watch people who appeared deeply religious - went to church mutliple times per week, went to bible study, tithe and said they prayed daily be the most judgemental and unforgiving when someone did something wrong and I use to think wow, I don't want to be a Christian because I think that is not the way to be. It took me awhile to come to terms that I can be a Christian and not be like that. Today's devotion clearly states how someone can claim to be a Christian but not act in a Christian manner - doing everything for show from the head instead of the heart will create such a person. However, to truly be a Christian means daily renewal of your relationship with the Lord in ways that might not be consistent - sometimes it is praying, other times reflecting while other times simply doing, however, always with the motivation coming from the heart not the head.

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5th Daily Reflection

My mom has a saying - "Lord have mercy" whenever things get really rough and as a child I use to laugh whenever she said it because it sounded so funny. However, as I became an adult, I started to realize what it meant and sometimes would silently think it. After today's devotion, I realize that this was her way of getting closer to the Lord and letting the Lord's luminous veil of light hover over her when to her everything appeared hopeless. Letting the Lord shine in moments of despair and hopelessness is when you are able to see his beauty and power.

Are you letting the Lord shine in moments of despair and hopelessness?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 4th Daily Reflection

As a read today's devotion, I smile because as much as I try to be Godly, things happen which causes me to loss my patience and lash out sometimes being mean when I should be compassionate. However, the devotion reminds me that regardless of how much I try, I will never be completely Godly and thus should forgive myself for lashing out and use it as an opportunity to go to the Lord forgiveness.

Friday, December 2, 2011

December 2nd Daily Reflection

I suffered what most people would consider a huge lost this week and as I am working thru the losss, I am realizing something. When I am truly honest with myself, something that is sometimes hard because of societal pressures, I am happy and glad for my loss - I thought I would be weepy and sad but I am energized and excited. I have a few moments of anger but those stem from my ego being bruised rather than from the actual loss. Today's devotion talks about being at peace and since that lost, I have been at peace because I realize that all thru it I have been close to the Lord and he have been providing the support that I couldn't get from anyone else.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 1st Daily Reflection

I use to think that not thinking about a problem or not trying to solve it was being neglectful, however, after reading today's devotion, I realize that it is the way to handle problems - not trying to solve them but rather going to the Lord to solve them. Using them as another excuse to spend time with him renewing the bound of love. I am realizing that most of the traditional ways of doing things actually takes us further away from the Lord and dimishes his love. Wow powerful realization that will be helpful going forward.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30th Daily Reflection

I have this habit of looking forward and trying to determine what problems might occcur and then sitting and trying to work them out so that when they occur, I am ready. However, last night my mind automatically started to think of December and went into problem solving mode. I fell alseep thinking of the inpending problems and woke up this morning thinking of them. However, this morning, I said a pray to the Lord and offered up all my potential problems to him. Then I read today's devotion and smiled as it recommending that we not try to fix any problems ourselves. I know that what ever problems that on their way will be resolved because the Lord will provide a way!

Going thru a problem filled life problem free because of the love of the Lord!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is interesting because as I went to bed last night, I was overcome with a feeling of peace, a feeling that seems strange given the various opportunity I currently have. However, as I read today's devotion I realize that the peace is the Lord wrapping me in him arms and holding me tight just as a lover would do when you are feeling needy. By acknowledging my need for assistance, I was able to experience the beauty of the Lord's love.

How are you experiencing his love?

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28th Daily Reflection

Yesterday I had the opportunity to experience the Lord's love - I saw him use my mom as a conduit for his love and watch her shift from being upset to being understanding all because I let the Lord's love flow thru me which in turn flowed thru him. Rather than focus on the material issues that caused by my mentee, we focused on why he did what he did and was able to logically walk thru the reason for our disappointment, start him on the path that there are different ways to do things and we are expecting that he flex to new ways. It was wondrous to watch him start seeing the world in a different way - a price accomplishment because we let our love for the Lord flow.

how is your love for the Lord flowing?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 27th Daily Reflection

As I read today's devotion, I feel myself letting go of the anger I feel because a project that was to be completed this weekend was not and now I am really behind schedule and over budget. However, reading today's devotion reminds me that my anger stems from trying to control things I have no control over so with that, I will continue thru the day doing what I can to keep the work going and leaving the rest up to the Lord continuing to give thanks for both the progress and set backs.

Trust you are continuing to give thanks for everything in your life.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 26th Daily Reflection

The season of thanksgiving has always been my favorite season, as a kid, I got to participate in this tradition call Harvest at church where we would march up to the alter with baskets of fruits, veggetables and other items. As an adult, it is a time for me to express my gratittude and appreciate for all those in my life who help me on a day to day, minute to minute basis. I have traditionally used it as a cover because most people are uncomfortable with being thank myself including, however, since reading Jesus Calling, I now realize why I have always loved giving thanks - it is anothe form of praise and celebration both things that I really love. So in this season of thanksgiving, I am renewing my love for th Lord by using every opportunity to give thanks.

How are you giving thanks?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22nd Daily Reflection

I read today's devotion with a smile on my face. I have a smile because about two weeks ago, I had an issue that I was unsure how to resolve so I went to the Lord for guidance and assistance. And I thought he had sent assistance, however, something just didn't seem right so I kept going back and then something wonderful happen - the issue appeared to get worse, everyone around me started to freak. However, I kept calm and as I analyzed the situation, I started to rejoice, the supposdely worsening was actual a blessing and a resolution that most people would think is bad was reached. Today's devotion reminds us to stick with the Lord, viewing everything as a blessing and while it can get weary viewing everything as a blessing, it is the way to go.

What a feeling to have a love affair with the Lord!

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21st Daily Reflection

Today's devotion's continued encouragement to stick with the Lord regardless of what is being said around you, what direction your earthly world is pulling you, remaining by the Lord's side will carry you thru is very on point as we enter into this season of Thanksgiving. Giving thanks to the greatness and the failures, the good and our interpretation of bad, our desires being met and not being met - giving thanks because we are a child of the Lord. A promise that must be re-affirmed daily if we are to continue walking close to the Lord!

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18th Daily Reflection

It has been awhile since I blogged because I took on a project much bigger than I thought, however, because of my faith in the Lord, the project is going well. Whenever, I had what looked like a setback, I prayed and the Lord responded by giving me the courage to continue, by giving me the knowledge to arrive at a solution, and by sending incredible people into my life who have helped. It is as if the Lord and I are walking thru life with him holding my hand and I squeezing it when I get scared. Each day I read the devotion, I get renewed and inspired by the wonderfulness of the word and the opportunities the Lord has given me. The project is still going so I might continue to somewhat absent, however, I am praying and reflecting knowing the Lord will see me thru and all will work out perfectly because the Lord always makes thing workout perfect.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8th Daily Reflection

It's been a few days since I blogged and you might think I am falling down on the job :-), however, I was taking the time to really be quite with the Lord, looking to him for guidance as I walk thru the various opportunities that have been put on my journey path. As I spent time with the Lord, I got weaker and as I got weaker, my faith grew stronger and this new strength allowed me to redefine all opportunities as something great. This shift has been instrumental in making decisions and overcoming my resistance to things not going my way. Therefore, I apologize for not blogging, I believe that the time missed was well spent getting closer to the Lord, appreciating the strength he is providing.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3rd Daily Reflection

I had some great plans for my week and then a bunch of things came up and those plans were thwarted and I thought why is this happening? Then I thought, this is an opportunity for praise, to step back and reassess if my plans were indeed solid. I found that there was room for improvement and these disappointments were a blessing because I got a moment to go to the Lord in pray. Going to him in pray was what was needed to help me return to center.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2nd Daily Reflection

I woke up this morning from a night of numerous nightmares and my mind heaving with worry then I took a deep breath and thanked the Lord for the issues at hand and asked him for guidance - 1. to let go of the worry and 2. how to resolve the issues under my control. Then I read today's devotion and it talked about going to the Lord and not being concerned about being weak because I need his help and guidance and the heaviness of worry was lifted. I could breath freely, I could think of ways to start resolving the issues at hand. Knowing that the Lord is close at hand, turned my day into a glorious one filled with exciting prospects.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1st Daily Reflection

I have not been blogging for a few days and at first I started to get anxious then I stopped myself because the reason I was not blogging is because I have been out trying to be a child of God - trying to use the gifts he has given me to help others, trying to be a conduit for his love. Today's devotion provided additional calm by reminding me that the world's distractions will pull me from the Lord and I need realize this so that when it happens, I can simply return to his side and not waste anymore time lamenting wondering from him.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26th Daily Reflection

Having a love affair with the Lord viewing him as a best friend with whom you can share everything with - great joyous moments and painful moments - all of which he will provide support and encouragement. Your anchor and shelter in times of need and triumph.

having a best friend in the Lord - what a wonderful thing!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25th Daily Reflection

We spend our time trying to look good in front of others, being concern about what others will think of us and as such we are guarded with what we share with others which can weight us down and block us from moving forward. However, it is refreshing to be reminded that we do have a place to share all our thoughts, fears, concerns, joys in our lives - that's the Lord. We can go to the Lord with anything and he will listen and respond as appropriate.

Spending time with the Lord!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24th Daily Reflection

I use to think that if I am not doing something I am somehow sinning and not maximizing the great gifts of the Lord. However, now I know that without rest, reflection, renewing, my works are for naught because I am not doing my best. I now look forward to the days when I can simply sit and rest, reflect and renew and I have found those days the most fulfilling. Overcoming peer pressure and resting is difficult, however, focusing on the Lord makes overcoming these peer pressure much easier.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 21st & 22nd Daily Reflection

I am re-reading today's devotion because I have started to revisit it when I feel as if my intentions have been thwarted. Yesterday and today have been blessings from the Lord and I appreciate the challenges that are thrown in my way, however, on the way to being appreciative, I sometimes become resentful and whine. These two days' devotion reminds me that the closer I get to the Lord, the less I stop at the pit stop of resent and whine and start fast tracking to appreciation especially when things get difficult. Avoiding or at a minimum short stops at the pit stop of resent & whine.

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21st Daily Reflection

We spend so much of our time making plans and doing everything to ensure that those plans are kept on track and is completed without stopping to evaluate why things come up to thwart our plans. However, if we made our plans and then looked to the Lord for guidance and direction, when our plans are thwarted, we would feel less sense of loss and more eager to embrace the changes bring to our lives. It is so easy to talk about how wonderful it would be to unconsciously look to the Lord for direction on our plans, however, it so difficult to actually do this.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 19th & 20th Daily Reflection

October 19th

Our society is so concerned about looking good that there is hardly a place where one can go and be themselves - fully open and vulnerable, however, it is comforting to know that going to the Lord, one can be completely open and vulnerable. Quite communication with him restores our soul and renews our faith in him and humanity.

October 20th
Living close to the Lord not only provides a safe place, it allows your soul to grow young while your body is growing old - a great state to be in as we go thru this world. Our young soul keeps us excited about being the conduit of the Lord's love and makes it easier to do the Lord's work.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18th Daily Reflection

Keeping my eyes only on the Lord as I go thru the day - evaluating and asking what would the Lord do, how would he handle this situation, is he smiling on my actions? Using these questions helps keep my moral compass pointed due north and has stopped me from actions that would have caused harm to others even as they would bring gains to me. Working thru things trusting that the end result is what the Lord desires. It difficult, however, once I am consistently in this state, it does make life easier.

I never thought my greatest struggle would be staying close to the Lord!

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17th Daily Reflection

I woke up this morning and went thru the mini  projects I am working on and thought - wow, I am not feeling anxious about these things even though some of them, I would prefer not to have to do. Normally, I would be anxious about mini projects I don't want to do then I read today's devotion and it gave me the answer to my lack of anxiety - I have been putting all my worries in the hands of the Lord and he has been walking closely by my side and keeping me calm and safe. This knowledge that my faith in the Lord provides such calm makes for an excitement to take on the day!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Oct 14th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion talks about suffering for the Lord and that pain and problems are an opportunity to demonstrate our trust in the Lord. I totally agree that this is 100% true. However, I don't think of pain and problems as suffering but rather as something wonderful that makes me grow and strengthens my trust and faith in the Lord. I have a few issues I am currently working thru and there is a little bit of excitement each day to see how things will progress or regress because I know that I am going to learn something new about the world, myself and the Lord.

Changing our thought process to see pain and problems as wonderful instead of suffering - an amazing way to be.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13th Daily Reflection

I have been struggling with a relationship for a very long time and I went to the Lord and asked for his guidance however the relationship continued to deteriorate and I thought, I can give up hope or I can keep the faith that the Lord will provide the guidance for me to restore the relationship to its greatness. Last night, I was convinced that all hope was lost and I thanked the Lord for the opportunity to experience the relationship and something interesting happened - I went to the person's house to end the relationship on a positive note. That encounter resulting in the relationship being restored instead of ending. As I read today's devotion, I can look to last night and see that unwavering faith will deliver you thru. I trust you are going to the Lord and having faith that the guidance you need will come at the appropriate time.

Peace be with you living in the love of the Lord.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 12th Daily Reflection

Living in a world where image and perception make up the foundation of why we do things is directly opposed to today's devotion that encourages us not be concerned about what others think of us. However, for us to truly walk with the Lord, we need to stop focusing on what others think of us and only focus on what the Lord think of us. This is another test of our faith and helps us to attain a level of joy that we wouldn't otherwise attain.

Focusing only the Lord's perception of us - an awesome space to be!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 11th Daily Reflection

The Lord is the culmination of all our hopes and desires - a great reminder. It is as if each day these devotions are written with me in mind. Of course, I understand that they are not and know that most others are struggling as I am to be a child of God, continuously joyous in the love affair with the Lord. Understanding that the Lord is determines everything makes planning and executing less stressful because all I need to do is my absolute best and the Lord will take care of the rest. The Lord, the culmination of all our hopes and desires - a peaceful thought to start the day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10th Daily Reflection

I woke up this morning with a slightly different feeling and was wondering what was it, then I read today's devotion and realize it was the presence of the Lord holding me. I followed yesterday's devotion of not complaining when things don't go my way so that when I got news that would cause others to curse, I processed the news and saw the great potential it has. So I made plans around the wonderfulness of the news and then when I couldn't figure out how things would work, I simply said the Lord will provide me the necessary guidance. Today's devotion is a reminder to fully trust the Lord and know he will provide the guidance needed.

This new feeling is a bit strange however, I am excited to getting use to it!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is a letter from the Lord addressed personally to me! I have kept my faith, been loving, constantly reassessed my journey to ensure I am staying close to the Lord. However, I find that I complain and whine for some of the smallest things and these complaints blocks the flow of the Lord's love thru me. I am no longer a conduit for his love and I stifle my faith in the process. I now know that my complaints should only fall on the Lord's ears and no one else. An important reminder as I walk thru the valley of darkness these days.

what a jolt of awareness!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 6th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is awesome and so needed given so of the challenges I am currently facing. Giving up all my worries to the Lord and being at peace that I can't resolve any of the challenges I am currently facing, only the Lord can resolve them and being joyous and thankful for any outcome because it's the outcome that should be.

going off peaceful knowing the Lord is loves me.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oct 6th Daily Reflection

Following the Lord by faith not by sight - is an interesting directive since if we truly follow the Lord by faith, our sight becomes clearer and our ability to see things improves. However, to gain sight we must first lose it and focus on our faith and blindly following the Lord. This of course doesn't mean literally stop seeing instead it means letting the Lord bring sight to you by seeing the world thru faith and his love. Looking at every situation from the position of faith and seeing the Lord's love in it. Every situation and that is why we struggle with sight because we can easily see the Lord's love when everything is wonderful, however, it is so difficult when things are not wonderful.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 5th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion makes me smile because I have experienced it first hand! Being obsessed with advancing, getting recognition because I felt it would bring me joy only to find that the joy was so fleeting. However, since my focus has turned unto the Lord, the joy I feel is continuous and that joy has propelled me to accomplish more than before with some life altering experiences. Interesting how once I stopped focusing on attaining joy I actual got it. Putting all my focus on the Lord has let me to a fulfilled life even things doesn't go my way, they go the Lord's way.

how are you experiencing joy?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4th Daily Reflection

As I get comfortable with my love affair with the Lord, it is refreshing to know that his love extends to helping me live, helping me solve my problems, helping me stay on the path and helping me be loving to others. I have become so much less stressed because I no longer have to go it along - the Lord is constantly there to help.

are you walking close to the Lord to help you?

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3rd Daily Reflection

This weekend's reflections were awesome - reminder to continue our love affair with the Lord and reminder that the Lord is always with us which feeds into today's reflection of reminder not to complain. I find that I sometimes complain even when I promised myself not to complain and as soon as I start complaining things start going wrong. Then I catch myself and stop complaining and I always realize that my complaint was based on incomplete facts. Not complaining means constant being in a place of continuous gratitude for everything. Being grateful even when things are not going our way.

Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30th Daily Reflection

Staying in the present because the fear of the future and the regets of the past are given up to the Lord! Oh what a glorious space to be when we can enact our faith and live for today knowing that the Lord is taking care of the future and our concerns about it is worthless. This is a daily struggle that I have, staying in the present and not becoming overly concerned about how the future will be.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29th Daily Reflection

Having a love affair with the Lord while remembering that he is not my equal but my protector is an interest place to be because we normally think of love affairs between equals. However, the love affair with the Lord is a different kind, it a love affair that helps us learn to love more deeply, more openly and more unconditionally. Using that love to move thru this world in a peaceful manner is the ultimate place to be. Taking all out thoughts, desires, fears to him so that we can renew our confidences that we are always safe!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 28th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is a great reminder of the wonderful love affair one can have with the Lord. And it is awesome because he loves us unconditionally and helps to teach us to love ourselves and others unconditionally. The love that the Lord heaps unto us provides the foundation to go forth and spread love thus making the world a better place....only love affair that is awesome - the one with the Lord!!!

how is your love affair with the Lord going?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 27th Daily Reflection

Relaxing in the arms of the Lord - for a very long time I always thought that I could only relax if I accomplished something great so I would work really hard and try to accomplish great. However, it never seems that I was able to ever accomplish anything great so I never able to really relax. However, since renewing my relationship with the Lord, I realize that by relaxing I can and do accomplish great things. So today's devotion was appropriate because last night I truly relaxed and found this morning to be going so much better.

are you relaxing in the arms of the Lord?

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26th Daily Reflection

Have not been blogging for a few days because I have been out trying to live the life that the Lord instructs us to live - loving others even when I would rather not.

Today's devotion reminds us that doing is not the only way to be, at times simply sitting and listening to the Lord is just as powerful and helpful. Listening to remove your troubles, listening to renew your soul, listening to learn, listening to be as close as possible to the Lord.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 21st Daily Reflection

Waiting instead of forging ahead, keeping quite instead of getting all of the answers, being close to the Lord instead of worrying about how others will view you, going to the Lord instead of trying to solve all problems, all instructions to choose the Lord over anything else. Always choosing the Lord over everything else is the best way to navigate life on earth and staying on the path of getting closer to the Lord. A constant struggle....

how are you dealing with your struggle of staying close to the Lord?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is timely as I struggle to deal with some issues that I believe are petty and re-enforces my stance that they are petty and thus do not require much energy. As I read the devotion, I realize that it is okay for me to believe them petty and move on, returning to the Lord for guidance on bigger things in my life. And for most big issues in my life, I have found that simply being with the Lord provides insight and solutions that I would never have reached by myself. Today's devotion is a great re-enforcement of the path I have chosen.

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is extremely uplifting because I spent the weekend dealing with people who I was convinced don't get it and thus create unnecessary churn however what I was forgetting is that I am not the Lord so my judgment of unnecessary churn is really an opportunity for me to demonstrate the Lord's love without condition, to understand that the world will constantly try to pull me away from the Lord and these times are opportunities for me to become closer to the Lord to fully receive his love. The might battle between heaven and earth is great one but one easily won with the Lord by our side.

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 16th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is the same as previous days this week and thus my words of wisdom are the same. Getting and staying close to the Lord is the way to a fulfilled life.

do you have any words of wisdoms?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15th Daily Reflection

Going to the Lord to rest and I would add renew one's soul can be viewed as stressful because we think we don't have the time, however, as I said before, taking the time to rest with the Lord always results in having a less stressful day and more time. Sometimes resting in the Lord is a quick 2 minutes and other times it is 2 hrs.

how do you see that resting in the Lord gives you more time and reduces your stress?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14th Daily Reflection

I had some trouble focusing on today's devotion, not because of the message but because of my distraction with trying to live life. However, as I got thru reading the devotion, I realize my distraction is because I am still resisting worshiping the Lord at all times, especially at times when things are not going the way I want. And as I write this note, I realize that I am trying to dictate what is the way things should go. I took a deep breath and then saw the wonderfulness of the issues I am facing and somehow they become less daunting. Worship the Lord by living close to him and seeing him in everything, my constant struggle which I am seeing is a blessing in itself.

how are you worshiping the Lord.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13th Daily Reflection

Love it! Simply love it! Of course the irony of why I love today's devotion is that I can only love it thru judging it but it calls for me to stop judging. We spend our day judging everything and anything and then believing that our judgment is accurate and take action based on these judgments. However, when we become judges, we try to ascend to the same level of the Lord which then causes us problems. The Lord reminds us that we are not capable of judging because we NEVER have sufficient information to judge. While as humans it is difficult not judge, it is possible to not make decision based on our judgment and realize that we don't have perfect information so our judgments is always incorrect. A humble way to view the world which leads us back to the protection of the Lord.

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12th Daily Reflection

Waking up a bit earlier each day so that I can spend a few minutes with the Lord before the craziness of the day starts has always blessed me with a spiritually rewarding day! Yet, I sometimes don't take the few minutes because I wake up late or wake up ready to take on the day. Receiving the Lord's peace is an easy directive to say and understand but a difficult one to follow consistently. Fortunately, the Lord expects that I will not be consistent and thus reminds me in ways that makes it easy to return to the Lord.

September 9th to September 11th Reflection

I was anxious because I was not able to blog on these days readings, then I realize that I was getting too caught up on the ceremonies of being close to the Lord and that the fact that I spent the days helping to build a home and being with a dear friend on her birthday was more important than keeping the blog up to date. While these are not justifications for not keeping the blog up to date, it is simply being honest that I can't always do all that I want to do, however, as long as I focus on being a conduit for the Lord's love nothing else really matter.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 8th Daily Reflection

Accepting everyday just as it is - a powerful directive! Powerful because if we come close to doing this 3 days each week, we are so much closer to the Lord. The inclusion of our physical being is important as well because there are days when we are tired and instead of resting and being quite, we soldier on, however, if we pay close attention to our physical being, we will see that it's another way the Lord speaks to us. Using being tired to renew our faith is one of the many ways we can accept the day as it is!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is about at topic extremely dear to my heart - giving from our heart and because of the love and joy one receives in return not giving because it is the right thing to do. We spend a lot of time doing things that our heart is not committed to which leads to a slow building resentment and a lash out at some of the most inappropriate times. It is much better to say no because your heart is not in it, than to say yes without involving your heart. It is only thru your heart that you can spread the Lord's love and enroll others into his love.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6th Daily Reflection

One of the hardest thing for us to do is ask for help and it becomes even more difficult the more we are able to accomplish (thinking we are doing it by ourselves). However, the more we are able to ask for help, the more we spread the Lord's love because people love it when we solicit their assistance. There is a sense of accomplishment we enable them to achieve. This sense of accomplishment is one of the many manifestations of the Lord's love. Of course, the greatest signal of our love for the Lord is by taking ALL of our issues to him so that he can help us resolve them.

are you staying close to the Lord by taking your issues to him?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

September 4th Daily Reflection

I love that today's devotion takes being close to the Lord on step further and talks about us being a conduit for the Lord, that is not sufficient to be close to the Lord but also constantly have him use you as conduit for his love even in the face of adversaries, rejection and redicule. A direction that makes you vulnerable to the world but close and intimate with the Lord.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 3rd Daily Reflection

As I ready today's devotion, I started to reflection on this past week. It was a week of triump and disappointment. And I thought why was there disappointment? Because I didn't get my way? Or maybe was it because I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted? Then I realized it was because at times I went too fast, didn't stop to be with the Lord and as such, lost focus of what's is so important to spend time with the Lord while so challenging to do because it is difficult to block out the demands of the world, however, this week showed me that putting the demands of the world before the Lord pnly leads to disappointment. The fortunate thing is these disappointment opened up new worlds of spreading the Lord's love.

How is not spending time with the Lord impacting your life?

Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2nd Daily Reflection

Today's devotion teachings is awesome, however, I have found that being a purest in following the teachings usually puts me in direct conflict with others. They get so wound up that trusting fully in the Lord and being okay with making mistakes makes them think I am not engaged. This sounds like a whine and on some levels it is, however, it a reminder that looking to others for acceptance and approval will result in these reactions. Therefore, it is necessary for me to continue depending on the Lord and being okay with making a mistake and when I encounter these conflicts receive them as an opportunity to spread the love of the Lord.

how are you using conflicts to spread the love of the Lord?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 1st Daily Reflection

Giving thanks when things are not going our way! How could I possibly give thanks when things are not going our way? Doesn't make much sense, but maybe just maybe it does make sense! If we give thanks when things are not going our way, then we can see the possibilities in the situation, we can grow from it and we can see that it's never our way only the Lord's way.

how are you turning adversaries into blessings?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31st Daily Reflection

Our society is so focus on being strong and avoiding being/appearing weak at all cost so today's devotion is so relevant because showing signs of weakness and being so comfortable with it that it becomes a conduit to be closer to the Lord. Using our weakness to realize how much we need to depend on the Lord for everything in our life and thus gain so much more strength.

how are you using your weakness to become closer to the Lord?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30th Daily Reflection

Apologies for missing a few days. I have been constant with my readings and applying their directions to my daily life. Some are much easier than others but all resulted in a wonderful feeling as I drew nearer to the Lord.

Today's devotion is another reminder of how great it is to stay close to the Lord. It reminds us that he is with us all the time even those times when we think he is not. I had an interesting conversation with a friend who professes to be a Christian but is convinced that the Lord sometimes leaves us. While it might feel that way, I believe the chasm between us and the Lord is because we have tried to leave him and stop listening for him so it appears that he has left, however, it is we who have left.

How are you experiencing the closeness of the Lord?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 25th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is a nice continuation of yesterday's which talks about the fact that being fully open and honest in the presence of the Lord requires practice and is not something that comes quickly and during the practice and training, we will make mistakes, resist, revert back to our old ways....however, because the Lord loves us unconditionally, these breakdowns are opportunities to become better.

August 24th Daily Reflection

Giving yourself to the Lord with such abandonment that you are open and honest about everything - a recommendation that makes it easier to be open and honest with one's self and if we can be open and honest with ourselves, without thinking we become open and honest with that point that we are open and honest with others we are truly being a child of God....a child of God who loves without restraint, who comforts without selfish consideration, who gives without thought....

are you ready to be open and honest with yourself?

August 23rd Daily Reflection

entrust your love ones to the Lord!!! I read this devotion and a deep personal issue I was dealing with suddenly became an non-issue. I was wow the Lord spoke to me in such an amazing manner that an issue that I was convinced was not solvable or the solution I could think of was not acceptable to me just disappeared. Entrusting your love ones to the Lord is the most liberating thing one can do....

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 22nd Daily Reflection

Adversities, things not going your way, questions of faith - all root causes found in trust or rather lack of trust! Trust is something so easy to corrupt and loss, however, remaining trusting is what is necessary to continue the journey with the Lord. Trusting the Lord when really bad things happen, trusting the Lord when things are not going your way, trusting the Lord when things are great and wonderful and glorious. Trust, trust, trust is what is needed to get close to the Lord, staying close to him and being the conduit of him.

trusting that you are having a Lord trusting day.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 21st Daily Reflection

Waiting, waiting, waiting, a word that most of us hate to hear - but a word that is necessary in our vocal as we walk along the path to get closer to the Lord because getting closer to the Lord requires us to be patience and waiting for his glorious gifts...I trust that waiting is taking on a new meaning and you are excitedly waiting for the Lord....

August 20th Daily Reflection

I see today's devotion every day and in many aspects of my life - how the Lord continuously heals me...and like today's devotion, sometimes the healing is slow and painful and other times it is so instantaneous that I am was also inspiring how others provide healing thru a kind word, jester or simply sharing themselves....

how are you helping to heal God's world?

August 19th Daily Reflection

How true is today's devotion as I approach my 40th birthday, I realize that things I use to be attracted to now longer hold the lure that spending time with the Lord and doing his work does. It's really interesting how focusing on the Lord, makes everything so much more intense and allows you to see what really works for you.

how is being with the Lord helping you see the glory of your life?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

August 18th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion continues the theme of being excited when adversities come your way. That impossible tasks/situations are actually a great blessing because it forces us to return to the Lord and if are beside him, remain close. Only by being with the Lord is impossible remade as possible.

how are you remaining close to the Lord today?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 17th Daily Reflection

Embrace all trials and difficulties as a blessing from the Lord! Because these blessings allows us to stop and give praise becoming closer to him. When we start seeing trails and difficulties as great things in our lives, we achieve a transformation and closeness to the Lord that makes every and any thing possible in our lives, community and church. A simple thought that is difficult to implement....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 16th Daily Reflection

I woke up this morning eager to find out what is today's devotion and then I see it is the instruction of being eager to spend time with the Lord! How appropriate - taking a few minutes every morning to be with the Lord, not as a task to get thru but an exciting opportunity to renew oneself and prepare for the awesomeness of the day!

Wishing you a God loving awesome day!

August 15th Daily Reflection

Love today's devotion because it reminds us that challenges are opportunities to look for blessings. It is easy to see blessings when things are going right but when things are going wrong, we tend to stop seeing the blessing of the Lord. Only the Lord can judge and when we stop seeing the blessings in things we preceived as wrong, we take over the Lord's role as judge.

Looking for blessings of the Lord in every and anything of the day....

August 14th Daily Reflection

There is a saying that "the more things change, the more they stay the same"....sometimes it is use from a defeatist point of view, however, the reason they stay the same is because the Lord never changes and when we are grounded in the Lord, changing things are easily dealt with so it appears to be more of the same.

what are your thoughts?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 13th Daily Reflection

Learn to enjoy life! Relax more! Be closer to the Lord! Very simple commands that even a 5 year old can understand, yet most of us forget to follow them even though when we do, life is awesome and everything is possible. I am going to attempt enjoy life today, relax more and spend a bit more time getting closer to the Lord.

How are you going to spend your day?

Friday, August 12, 2011

August12th Daily Reflection

We have been so conditioned to think that weakness is a negative when really it is a positive! Today's devotion re-enforces that - when we are weak we are more willing to go to the Lord and that closeness to him allows us to reap the rewards of his blessing. Sometimes it feels that following the Lord goes against everything that society teaches us.

what do you think?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 11th Daily Reflection

Go to the Lord, go to the Lord! Such a simply urging but so difficult to follow, even for those of us who are believer!  Opening oneself to love sounds so easy but is so difficult - we constantly undermine the loving relationships we have and then blame others for its demise. However, once we start loving the Lord and only the Lord, it becomes easier to love others and for us to stop undermining our relationships with others.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 10th Daily Reflection

I attended a Landmark forum course about a month ago and they talked about transforming oneself as the way to living a life you love. Great ideas and ways of living was presented and when I read today's devotion, I could only smile because it deals with transforming ourselves to get closer to God! The more we have a positive interaction with the Lord, the less we have negative things in our lives. That's because as our trust in the Lord grows or faith and hope becomes more solidified and every and anything becomes possible. Using my energy positively by keeping the Lord by my side. Another way to live the life you love.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August 9th Daily Reflection

Wearing the robe of righteousness! What a wonderful privilege that we constantly shun because of our unrighteous behavior. However, today's devotion gives us the appropriate guidance - instead of shunning the robe of righteousness shun the unrighteous behavior. Easy to say, difficult to do but quite possible! Being constantly aware of our thoughts and actions helps us shun unrighteous behavior.

how are you shunning unrighteous behavior today?

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8th Daily Reflection

Teaching others to grateful is the best way to show our gratitude to the Lord and all he does for us. I am sometimes overflowing with the various things I can be grateful for - the Lord's great work, the wonderfulness of all the people in my life and the great community that I live. Gratefulness - another path to full freedom.

August 7th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is spot on! The more I try to understand what is going on, the more I get confused and that is a source of great frustration, however, today's devotion mentions that if we don't concern ourselves with understanding, then we achieve the elusive peace we keep searching for - how great it is that finding peace is thru thrusting and loving the Lord!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 6th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is awesome because it reminds us that only the Lord can solve our problems! And it reminds us that once we give our problems to the Lord, with faith and trust he will resolve them therefore we can continue praising him even during times of turmoil and troubles. How freeing it is to know that with the Lord by my side, every and any thing is possible and all problems are solvable!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

August 5th Daily Reflection

Today I was late in reading the devotion because I was trying to pack as a friend normally says "10 lbs into a 5 lb bag". Then I decided before I get caught up at the office, I would stop and read the devotion and I could only smile to myself since it talks about being quiet with the Lord. Taking in his presence so that any hurried activity becomes slowed - a reminder that a leisurely pace accomplishes more than a hurried pace. I can think of numerous times when I was rushing around only to make so many mistakes that the rush became counterproductive. Slowing down to go faster!

I am slowing down today, are you?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

August 4th Daily Reflection

It is so freeing once you realize that staying close to the Lord means staying on course. It's like a light bulb goes off once you determine that the only plan you need is the plan to be with the Lord in good and bad times, when you are happy or sad. This freedom provides the opportunity to truly enjoy the Lord which means truly enjoying life!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3rd Daily Reflection

Today's devotion appears to have been written with me in mind. How true and poignant reminder of the power of our words and how our carelessness causes unecessary pain. I have countless examples of this in my life. Fortunately, I have countless examples of when my words have brighten someone's day, provided them the encouragement they needed and inspired them to do things they didn't believe they could do. The sentence that really speaks to me comes from James 1:19 - My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. A timely reminder as I embark on a journey of inspiration of others.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 2nd Daily Reflection

Sacrifice - time to be with the Lord - sounds like a difficult task, however, when I sacrifice time to be with the Lord, I find that instead of it being a sacrifice, it is one of the best investment I can make. Being with the Lord makes everything seem so simple and easy.

what are your thoughts....

Monday, August 1, 2011

Aug 1st Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is rather interesting because it hits at the source of most of our troubles - feeling unloved! However, if we focus on loving the Lord and receiving his love - the feeling of being unloved goes away because the Lord is the only one who can love unconditionally. By focusing on loving the Lord, you actual become easier to love and it is easier to love others getting closer to loving unconditional as the Lord  does.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 31st Daily Reflection

We are our biggest critics and spend unnecessary time getting upset about making mistakes and being human instead of accepting the fact that we are humans and will make mistakes. However, the way to live is being close to the Lord, fully trusting in him and sometimes listening to him instead of trying to get all the answers ourselves. Only with the Lord can we inhuman.

what are your thoughts?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 30th Daily Reflection

Worship the Lord! Worship the Lord in all his glory! It's such a powerful saying yet very difficult to put into action. We sometimes get so caught up with the world that we forget how wonderful it is to worship the Lord. I remember taking the time to see the Lord in everything - the homeless guy, the blade of grass, flower - it was an incredible experience. A small form of worshiping the Lord which I keep having to remind myself I need to continue doing on a daily basis.

How do you worship the Lord?

Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29th Daily Reflection

Today's devotion is so on point! We get close to the Lord and then as things improve and life is wonderful, we start wondering away, however, if we realize that we need to be as close to the Lord during times of good as in times of bad, then wandering away from him becomes less frequent and the time spent away less so....spending time in the arms of the Lord provides such great comfort....

what are your thoughts....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28th Daily Reflection

I had to re-read today's devotion to get the true meaning of it and then I got it! The Lord loves us regardless of our state, our wins, our hurts, our losses and when we embrace that we can be fully open with him - truly honest about our present condition and as we do that, we get a freedom that allows us to fully receive his love. And receiving the Lord's perfect love makes it impossible for us to have fear.

Wishing you a perfect love day....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27th Daily Reflection

I read today's devotion and was filled with a great feeling of love! What an incredible love poem laced with direction on how to stay connected with the Lord even when you are facing trials. HOPE - with it any and everything is possible.

what are your thoughts....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26th Daily Reflection

July 26th

Today's devotion is right on! We spend all this time planning and making back up plans because we think that we are in control and then we get upset when things don't go according to plan. However, we fully believe in the Lord then all we have to do is act as so and the Lord will guide us and instead of making plans, we can start executing on the Lord's wishes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25th Daily Reflection

July 25th

Today's devotion is great - seeking the Lord in everything we do, everywhere we are - it means that everything appears wonderful and beautiful and as such every and all things are possible! Every and all problems easily solved! Directly aligned with the principles of Tribal Leadership, the Art of Possibilities and the Landmark Forum.

Would love to hear your interpetation....