Friday, August 17, 2012

August 17th Daily Reflection

Attachment! I was reading the short version of "Consoling the Heart of Jesus" and it talked about attachments. We become attached to things that we loss sight of the Lord, elevating them above the Lord and makes it difficult to fully embrace him. I find that people have a very hard time letting go of attachments both physical and mental - we are so concern about lossing our physical possessions and will do strange things to ensure that doesn't happen. And it is even more difficult to let go of our mental attachments, someone hurts us and we hold unto that hurt for years, something we preceived as negative happens and we do everything our power to try and avoid it happening again, something wonderful happens and we hold unto it wanting to recreate it at every opportunity. However, if we can stop focusing on our attachments seeing them as physical anchors and fleeting moments in time, we will see that the only attachment we need is the attachment to the Lord.

How are your attachments keeping you from the Lord?

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