Thursday, December 8, 2011

December 8th Daily Reflection

When I was younger, I spent most of my time trying to fix the emptiness I sometimes felt with earthly things - making more money, partying, fulling up my schedule but none of them worked. Then I hit a wall and decided to try a new method, praying and talking to God. Not for him to save but to tell him that I believe that these feelings will pass when he deem appropriate and that I am no longer feeling sad and depressed when the feeling of emptiness comes, instead I am feeling a sense of hope because I know great things are around the corner. At first, it was very hard to keep up the positive but I did and now when a feeling of emptiness comes over me, I rejoice for it means something wonderful and glories is about to happen in my life. Today's devotion re-enforces this position and gives me even more hope that focusing on the Lord is the way to fulfillment.

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